On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal, and so restore order to his world.

Jen: Wings? I don't have wings!
Kira: Of course not. You're a boy.
Aughra: End, begin, all the same. Big change. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad.
Jen: Wings? You have wings! I don't have wings
Kira: Of course not - you're a boy
Narrator: The Skeksis, with their hard and twisted bodies, their harsh and twisted wills. For a thousand years they have ruled. Yet now, there are only ten: a dying race, ruled by a dying Emperor, imprisoned within themselves in a dying land.
Aughra: Where is he?
Jen: He's dead.
Aughra: Could be anywhere, then.
Historian: Hold her to you, for she is part of you, as we all are part of each other.
Kira: What's writing?
Jen: Words that stay. My master taught me.
Jen: Are you a Gelfling? Like me?
Kira: [surprised] Yes!
Jen: I thought I was the only one.
Kira: I thought I was.
Aughra: Now, ask what the Great Conjunction is, what's the Great Conjunction?
Jen: What's the Great Conjunction? You tell me!
Aughra: Ya look like Gelfling...
Aughra: SMELL like Gelfling...
Aughra: maybe y'ARE Gelfling!
Aughra: Mouldy mildew, mother of mouthmuck, dangle and strangle and death.
Aughra: Another Great Conjunction coming up! Anything could happen! Whole WORLD might burn up!
Aughra: End of Aughra! Hm!
Jen: Where are we?
Kira: Safe.
Jen: I don't think anywhere is safe any more.
Kira: [to Jen] Heal the Crystal!
Aughra: What was sundered and undone shall be whole - the two made one.
Aughra: Kira! Call the animals! You have the gift!
Kira: Kahmalaiah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Jen: [reading the prophecy] When single shines the triple sun/What was sundered and undone/Shall be whole, the two made one/By gelfling hand or else by none.
Scientist: You're next, little Podling!
[puts Podling in chair]
Scientist: This won't hurt. We just want to drain your living essence. Then you can be the same as the other Podlings here, a slave.
[turns to his assistant]
Scientist: Open the wall!
[wall opens revealing fiery shaft]
Scientist: Now, Podling. Out there is the great shaft of the castle. Position the reflector.
[reflector moves into position]
Scientist: The reflector will capture the beams of the Dark Crystal floating high above. Look into the relfector, Podling. Feel the power of the Dark Crystal!
[the reflector shines purple light into the Podling's eyes]
Scientist: Mmm, yes, and now the beam will rid you of your fears... your thoughts... your vital essence.
Jen: The prophecy didn't say anything about this!
Kira: Prophets don't know everything!
Aughra: Don't know. MmmmmMmmmmah! Don't know.
Jen: Dear, dear master. I'll find the shard. I'm not ready to go alone...
Jen: Alright. Alone then.
Aughra: Questions, questions, too many questions. You want a shard? Here!
Jen: I wish I'd never heard of this shard!
Chamberlain: Hmmmmm...
General: I hate your whimper!
Chamberlain: HMMMM!
[they proceed down the hallway]
Chamberlain: Hmmmmmmm-mmmmm...
General: QUIET!
Jen: Where is this Augrah? How does she look like? How will I find her? "Follow the Greatest Sun for a day to the home of Augrah"... hmph. Some directions!
General: Chamberlain! I challenge!
Chamberlain: Trial by stone.
General: Trial by stone!