A man awakens from a coma to discover he has a psychic detective ability.

Johnny Smith: The ICE... is gonna BREAK!
Greg Stillson: The missiles are flying. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Johnny Smith: "Bless me"? Do you know what God did for me? He threw an 18-wheeled truck at me and bounced me into nowhere for five years! When I woke up, my girl was gone, my job was gone, my legs are just about useless... Blessed me? God's been a real sport to me!
Johnny Smith: It reminds me of a line from "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" the last story I read to my class before... the accident. Ichabod Crane disappears... the line goes: "As he was a bachelor, and in nobody's debt, nobody troubled their head about him anymore."
Sarah Bracknell: Is that what you feel?
Johnny Smith: Is what I want... what I want.
Johnny Smith: [touching the mother of a serial killer] You knew? Didn't you?
Henrietta Dodd: You... you're a devil, sent from Hell!
Johnny Smith: [to Stillson] It's over. You're finished.
Sarah Bracknell: You're looking good.
Johnny Smith: Yeah, it's called the coma diet - lose weight while ya sleep
Greg Stillson: Put your hand on the scanning screen, and you'll go down in history with me!
Five Star General: As what? The world's greatest mass murderers?
Greg Stillson: You cowardly bastard! You're not the voice of the people, I am the voice of the people! The people speak through me, not you!
Greg Stillson: I have had a vision that I am going to be President of the United States someday. And nobody, and I mean *nobody* is going to stop me!
[Wanting Roger Stuart to be a part of his campaign]
Greg Stillson: I need your support, I need your expertise, I need your input, and most importantly, I need your money.
Greg Stillson: My God! What a glorious day!
Sonny Elliman: Amen!
Johnny Smith: [John has "seen" Stillson become President and trigger WW3, and now is making up his mind how to prevent Stillson's holocaust] If you could go back in time to Germany, before Hitler came to power, knowing what you know now, would you kill him?
Dr. Sam Weizak: Is that why you sent for me, to ask me this, uh... this question?
[first lines]
Johnny Smith: [Johnny is reading "The Raven" to his class] And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting, on the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door, and his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, and the lamp light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor, and my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, shall be lifted... nevermore.
Johnny Smith: Your father says there's something wrong with you, he wants me to bring you out of your shell. I don't know what to do.
Chris Stuart: You don't have to do anything. It's my dad that lives in a shell, not me.
Johnny Smith: What about my question?
Dr. Sam Weizak: Huh? Huh? Oh, you mean the one about Hitler?
Johnny Smith: What would you do?
Dr. Sam Weizak: I don't like this, John. What are you getting at?
Johnny Smith: What would you do? Would you kill him?
Dr. Sam Weizak: All right. All right. I'll give you an answer. I'm a man of medicine. I'm expected to save lives and ease suffering. I love people. Therefore, I would have no choice but to kill the son of a bitch.
Johnny Smith: You'd never get away alive.
Dr. Sam Weizak: It doesn't matter. I would kill him.
[lifting drink]
Dr. Sam Weizak: Nasdro via. Skol.
Johnny Smith: I've been tutoring this boy named Stuart. In the vision, I saw him drown. But that's not the point. In the vision, something was missing.
Dr. Sam Weizak: How - how do you mean?
Johnny Smith: It was like... a blank spot, a dead zone.
Dr. Sam Weizak: First of all, tell me, did the boy, in fact, drown?
Johnny Smith: His father wanted him to play hockey. I talked him out of it. The boy's alive.
Dr. Sam Weizak: Ah. Yes. Don't you see how clear it is? Not only can you see the future, you can...
Johnny Smith: I can change it.
Dr. Sam Weizak: You can change it, exactly. Here. Yes, John. That is your... your "dead zone." The possibility of... of altering the outcome of your premonitions. It's fascinating. Let me make a note.
Greg Stillson: Let's send Greg Stillson to the United States Senate - and mediocrity to hell!
Johnny Smith: Your house is burning! There's still time!
[last lines]
Johnny Smith: Goodbye.
Sarah Bracknell: I love you.
Chris Stuart: [Answering the phone] Hello? Who is it? Johnny?
Greg Stillson: You put your god damn hand on that scanning screen, or I'll hack it off and put it on for you!
Sonny Elliman: Complete the sequence, Mr. President.