After a tragic car accident that killed his wife, a man discovers he can communicate with the dead to con people but when a demonic spirit appears, he may be the only one who can stop it from killing the living and the dead.

Frank Bannister: You are SUCH an asshole.
Milton Dammers: Yes I am.I'm an asshole... with an Uzi!
Judge: When a man's jawbone drops off it's time to reassess the situation.
Sergeant Hiles: Get back in the goddamn ground you unorganized grab-asstic gob of teleplasmic shit!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Tell me,why is it that you can see Ray and I can't?
Frank Bannister: I was in an accident.A car accident... about five years ago.I don't know they say that sometimes when you have a traumatic experience that it can alter your perception.
Judge: [after having sex with a mummy] I like it when they lie still like that.
[about to have sex with a mummy]
Judge: There's a reason they call me the "hanging judge".
Dammers: We have a body count of... twenty eight. You're a very dangerous man Mr.Bannister.
Sheriff Walt Perry: For Christ's sake,you're not seriously suggesting that Frank is responsible for...
Dammers: You're way out of your depth here, Sheriff Perry. Please leave.
Sheriff Walt Perry: Frank Bannister is my prisoner.
Dammers: By the power invested in me by the president of the United States,I am telling you to get the hell out of this room.
Dammers: Sheriff! You are violating my territorial bubble.
Johnny Charles Bartlett: [Johnny, violently upset, interrupting his girlfriend, counterpart of this serial-killer couple] Shut up! That Russian cannibal creep is telling everyone he did 50 plus. That reflects badly on both of us, Patty. This record should be held by an American.
Frank Bannister: Catch you later, Hiles.
Sergeant Hiles: Hey - my tour of duty runs another 85 years! There's a piece of dirt up here with your name on it, Bannister! I'm waitin' for you, you little maggot!
Ray Lynskey: Alright Bannister.Can you at least give me a ride so I don't miss my funeral.
Stuart, Bannister's Ghostly Assistant: Come on.You're out of your mind.You're talking about a mythical figure.A pseudo-religious icon from the 12th century.
Judge: Save your pea brain prattle for the classroom,boy.That was the soul collector and he's been taking people out since time began.He's been going about some dark business here in Fairwater and we ain't nothing but worm bait.When your number's up,that's it.
Cyrus: Ah, the old express train to Hell. No lines, no waiting!
Frank Bannister: [after seeing the glowing number on her forehead] You're next.
Magda Rees-Jones: Are you threatening me?
Dammers: My body is a roadmap of pain. And pain has its valves
[last lines]
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Boy that Dammers guy, he sure looks pissed.
Frank Bannister: [without realizing] Yeah.
[the penny suddenly drops and Frank looks back in surprise at Lucy]
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Well sometimes Frank, you see when you go through a traumatic experience, it kind of alters your perception.
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Frank, Frank!
Dr. Kammins: C'mon Lucy, 10cc Lidocaine, Quick now.
Frank Bannister: LUCY! I CAN NOT GET HIM!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: WHO? WHO can't you get, Frank?
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: WHAT?
Frank Bannister: And Lucy, He's killing again!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: PATRICIA!
Frank Bannister: [leans towards Lucy] LUCY! YOU HAVE... HAVE TO... TAKE HER OUT... TAKE HER OUT OF THE HOUSE! GO ! GO!
Dr. Kammins: Lucy, just go now!
Frank Bannister: I'm just trying to make a living.
Magda Rees-Jones: Living? Not a word you'd know a lot about. Is it Mr.Bannister?
Judge: Give it up, Frank! Death ain't no way to make a living!
Patricia Ann Bradley: Patronising do-gooder bitch!
Johnny Charles Bartlett: Oh Patricia, you kill her, I'll watch.
Frank Bannister: Johnny Bartlett.I thought guys like you fried in Hell.
Johnny Charles Bartlett: I got out Frank.I've been carrying on the good work.Got me a score of forty.
Patricia Ann Bradley: I'm in the mood for a little vivisection.
Frank Bannister: [to Stuart and Cyrus] Why is it that flies stick to you guys like shit to a blanket?
Cyrus: Ha ha, very funny. You're a funny guy, Frank. You know, all you think about is yourself. I could complain, too, you know. I would like some new clothes. You get to dress nice. Here I am still looking like Linc from The Mod Squad.
Frank Bannister: You died in the 70's. It's a bummer.
Sergeant Hiles: What in the hell are you doing in my graveyard? You have been told to stay away! Sound off like you've got a pair!
Frank Bannister: Yeah, well, Cemetary is a public place, Hiles.
Sergeant Hiles: I do not like you! You cannot bring your spooks here without my permission! Disappear, scumbag!
Cyrus: You know if I wanted to get shot at everyday, I'd move my black ass to Los Angeles!
Sergeant Hiles: I am not one of your shitty little emanations, Bannister!
Old Lady Bradley: The wicked will be punished.
Ray Lynskey: Got a kiss for Honey Bunny? I know, I know it's the way I look. It's this damn ectoplasm stuff. It turns you off,doesn't it? Come on Lucy you're not listening to me.Look,baby I know we have a great relationship. It's just that lately I don't feel you've been giving hundred percent.
Ray Lynskey: [Frank has smashed one of his lawn gnomes] No! Not Budzo! My Budzo! My Budzo! I've got your license plate number, you bastard!
Frank Bannister: The chicken was not scary, Stuart. The chicken was stupid.
[an Elvis statuette flies around the room during a Poltergeist appearance]
Ray Lynskey: He's alive!
Sergeant Hiles: Ho-lee Jesus! Frank Bannister!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Frank! Frank! Are you okay? What happened?
Dammers: [Ordering arrest of Frank Bannister]
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: What do you do? Are you arresting him?
Dammers: Please leave, Mrs Lynskey!
Frank Bannister: Home, Lucy.
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: [Go towards Frank Bannister] Frank, you need a lawyer! Wait!
Frank Bannister: Home, Lucy.
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: But you haven't done anything!
[Towards polizei]
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: He hasn't done anything!
Frank Bannister: How could you know? Do you know me? Am I nice guy, Lucy?
Frank Bannister: That cozy scene of the Cuisine restaurant, EXCALIBUR, is a bullshit.
Frank Bannister: I was just doing my job.
[Think for a while]
Frank Bannister: I don't give a damn about you, I don't give a damn about anybody!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: And what the hell are you saying?
Frank Bannister: Just go home...
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: [began to cry & left]
Sheriff Walt Perry: Lucy , are you okay to drive?
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: YEAH!
Sheriff Walt Perry: [SIGN]
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: What's happening in the cell? I felt something crushin my heart!
Frank Bannister: I cannot fight it Luce, I cannot protect you! So only one way to be with extinct. I can have an out-of-body-experiment.
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: What?
Frank Bannister: and I can have RIGHT NOW!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: No, No!
Frank Bannister: Go along Lucy, swap in the WAY!
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: WAIT! WAIT!
Dammers: [accusing Frank of killing] But what about the guy in the toilet? What did *he* do? Piss on your Hush Puppies?