An NFL quarterback living the bachelor lifestyle discovers that he has an 8-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

Peyton Kelly: My mom says that she fell in love with you because you played guitar and you sounded just like Elvis.
Joe Kingman: Really?
Joe Kingman: [in Elvis voice] Well, what do you think?
Peyton Kelly: I think she was tone deaf, and you sound more like a wounded moose than the King.
Joe Kingman: Ohh, a wounded moose?
Joe Kingman: Peyton, I have an an answer for your question. After this game, win or lose, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Joe Kingman: Well, who are you here with?
Peyton Kelly: My father.
Joe Kingman: Well you better go get him, because I'm sure he's looking for you.
Peyton Kelly: He's not looking for me.
Joe Kingman: How do you know?
Peyton Kelly: Because he's looking *at* me.
Joe Kingman: What?
Peyton Kelly: Hi, we've never met before, you were married to my mom, Sara. Sara Kelly. My name is Peyton. I'm your daughter.
[repeated lines]
Peyton Kelly: Stupid is a mean word.
Kyle Cooper: No it isn't.
Peyton Kelly: Yes it is.
Kyle Cooper: No it isn't.
Peyton Kelly: Yes it is.
Joe Kingman: My dad never let me have sugar.
Peyton Kelly: Is that why you never smile?
Karen Kelly: [During a group hug] Joe...
Peyton Kelly: Daddy...
Karen Kelly, Peyton Kelly: Can't breathe.
Joe Kingman: Me neither.
[They let go of each other]
Monique Vasquez: [to Joe] Ballerinas can jump just as high as you but when they come down they come down in plies, and then they stand pointe, and they stand like that for hours. If ballet was easy, it would be called football.
Tatianna: Is your coat... Bedazzled?
Joe Kingman: Peyton. Wait a minute.
[turns to see the back of his coat]
Joe Kingman: I'm still Joe. Still the King.
TV Sports Announcer: [announcing basketball game on TV] 3 seconds left. The shot is up...
TV Narrator: [Peyton switches channel] Welcome to the magical world of ponies!
Monique Vasquez: Fathers are the ones that pick you up and give you the courage to do stuff you never thought you could.
Travis Sanders: Is Spike wearing a tutu?
Peyton Kelly: My mommy says Fanny's Burgers make kids fat and give you gas.
Joe Kingman: I thought you were dead.
Karen Kelly: I can assure you I'm not dead.
Joe Kingman: You need to be a mom to do this stuff.
Monique Vasquez: I don't know about that. True mothers are smarter, kinder, and better at just about everything.
Karen Kelly: How are things going there?
Peyton Kelly: Terrific, the food's not all that great, but my room is huge.
Joe Kingman: You don't get abs like these eating peanut butter patties.
[after Joe discovers he has a daughter]
Stella Peck: So there's no possible chance she's yours?
Joe Kingman: No! I mean, Sarah and I were seperated for a long time. The last time I saw her, she came over to get her things and...
[thinks for a few moments]
Joe Kingman: ... whose hungry? I'm hungry.
Joe Kingman: What did you put in those cookies?
Peyton Kelly: Um, milk, flour, eggs, cinnamon.
Joe Kingman: Cinammon? I'm allergic to cinnamon!
Peyton Kelly: I'm sorry.
Joe Kingman: You're sowry? I'm talking like t'his and all you can say is you're sowry?
Peyton Kelly: I'm allergic to nuts.
Joe Kingman: Then you get inside people's minds, and you drive them crazy, just like her!
Peyton Kelly: Well at least I got a mind, because if I didn't, I'd be just like you!
Peyton Kelly: [to Joe] My name is Peyton. I'm your daughter.
Joe Kingman: Bostun Webels, experience the heat. Buston Webels, catch the magik. Buston Webels, catch... who wites this?
Samuel Blake, Jr.: He's coming back out, right? You know how important this deal is.
Stella Peck: Sam, baby. Not to worry. Our Joe's not a quitter.
[lets out a fart after eating a Fanny Burger]
Stella Peck: Go, Boston.
Joe Kingman: You Bedazzled my football?
Stella Peck: How long has it been since you ate one of your own Fanny's burgers?
[takes a bite]
Stella Peck: Chew long I'd say.