A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.

[Looking at his own corpse]
Eddie Yang: Is my nose really that big?
[while shooting at a bad guy and frequently missing him]
Arthur Watson: [yelling] How dare you
[fires and reloads]
Arthur Watson: shoot at my
[fires and reloads]
Arthur Watson: *wife!*
Snakehead: [after Nicole falls to her death and Eddie is unable to save her, Snakehead tries to persuade Eddie to join him] My brother... don't be sentimental. It's so... unnecessary. It's so human. So normal. You and I will live forever. We are the lords of time. We can take whatever we want, whenever we choose. What difference can a simple life like hers make to us? We are immortal!
Eddie Yang: Let me show you!
[Eddie flies upward to begin his duel with Snakehead]
Snakehead: [after fleeing the henchmen who are after the Medallion, Eddie runs into Snakehead in the forest] We meet again... Eddie Yang.
Eddie Yang: Where's the boy?
Snakehead: My guest is of no concern of yours. All that matters is that you have the other half of the medallion.
Arthur Watson: [Repeated line] Interpol! Freeze!
[When Jackie has Giscard trapped in the bins]
Giscard: Ever heard of police brutality?
Eddie Yang: Sounds like fun.
Nicole James: Watson's family don't know he's an Interpol agent
Eddie Yang: What do they think he is?
Nicole James: A libraian.
Eddie Yang: [Standing next to his corpse] Let me check
[Lifts the sheet, checks the lower body and lowers the sheet]
Eddie Yang: It's really me!
Arthur Watson: Are you sure?
Eddie Yang: You think I don't recognise my own thing?
Snakehead: Treat him like a prince.
Cmdr. Hammerstock-Smythe: Watson!
Arthur Watson: [frustrated] What?
[collecting himself]
Arthur Watson: I mean er... what?
Cmdr. Hammerstock-Smythe: Anymore nonsense like that and you will be taken of the case and Inspector Yang will be put in charge of it.
Arthur Watson: [to Eddie] Satisfied? You've only been here 5 minutes!
[he storms off through a door]
Cmdr. Hammerstock-Smythe: Watson... you are in my *filing cabinet*.
Arthur Watson: [Addressing Hammerstock-Smythe and a group of officers, while Eddie is picking himself up after falling from a roof] See - I told you he wasn't dead!