Army doctor Robert Neville struggles to create a cure for the plague that wiped out most of the human race.

[describing Neville]
Matthias: One creature, caught. Caught in a place he cannot stir from in the dark, alone, outnumbered hundreds to one, nothing to live for but his memories, nothing to live with but his gadgets, his cars, his guns, gimmicks... and yet the whole family can't bring him down from that, that...
Zachary: Honky paradise, brother?
Matthias: Forget the old ways, brother, all the old hatreds.
[first lines]
[the last man on earth wrecks his car]
Robert Neville: There's never a cop around when you need one.
[after the family has taken Neville into the "little room" for questioning]
Neville: Tell me something, would you? Are you fellas really with the Internal Revenue Service?
Matthias: Definition of a scientist - a man who understands nothing until there was nothing left to understand.
Neville: So, there is a little light in the forest after all.
[the last man on earth, talking to a bust of Caesar positioned in front of a chessboard]
Neville: Hi. Another day, another dollar.
Neville: For you, I think it's your move.
[makes drink]
Neville: Join me? Hmm? Miserable schmuck!
[to his own image on the video screen]
Neville: Isn't he? Isn't he a sullen b...
[stops when he hears the "Family" calling him from outside]
Neville: [to the "Family"] SHUT UP! Why the hell can't you leave me alone?
[later, to the bust of Caesar]
Neville: What day is it, anyway? Monday? Huh? The hell it is. It's Sunday. Sunday I always dress for dinner.
Neville: [Neville hallucinates about a dozen payphones ringing simultaneously around him] THERE IS NO PHONE RINGING, DAMMIT!
[the bells stop; he gets a grip on himself]
Neville: There is no phone.
Matthias: You are discarded. You are the refuse of the past.
Neville: You are full of crap!
[talking to his own image on a TV screen]
Robert Neville: Hi, Big Brother, how's your ass?
[the members of the Family smashes and destroys Neville's penthouse apartment, rendering it as evil and as a thing of the past while Matthias and newly possessed Lisa watches on]
Matthias: We waited for you, Neville, so you could see this: The end. The end of all you done. You see, none of it was real. It was illusion. Your art, your science, it was all a nightmare. And now it's done. Finished. My brethren, our task is nearly complete. He was the last of those who brought the punishment to us. We have cleansed and purged his world. Now we must build.
Robert Neville: [defiant] Build coffins. That's all you'll need.
Matthias: Bring him!
Matthias: Here is the instrument of cleansing, my brethren. And nothing quite cleanses like fire.
[hearing the "Family" loudly holding a book-burning revel]
Robert Neville: At it again, I see? What will it be tonight? Museum of Science? Some library? Poor miserable bastards.
Robert Neville: You know the old song? If you were the only girl in the world, and I was the only boy, well, okay, but until then, don't bother me? Well, I guess I'm the only boy...
Black Power Lisa: [Lisa is drawing blood from Neville for a vaccine] Will one bottle be enough?
Robert Neville: It's genuine 160-proof old Anglo-Saxon baby.
Lisa: Is there anything you can do, DOCTOR, I mean, seeing as how you've lost over 200 million patients?
Robert Neville: [Talking to moldy corpse in car dealership] How much for a trade-in on my Ford? Oh, really? Thanks a lot, you cheating bastard...
[after Neville tosses her a submachine gun]
Lisa: What's this for?
Neville: Comfort.
Neville: And Speedy Bob Neville - his great legs churning goes speeding across the finish line with a three minute and fifty second mile. Go ahead, let's see some son-of-a-bitch beat that.
[Last line]
Dutch: Well, let's move kids. We've got a long way to go.
Matthias: And, oh, brothers and sisters, I ask you to look at him. Does he have the marks? Do you see them?
Followers: No.
Matthias: You see him as we were before the punishment. Before we gained grace. You see lying there the last of scientists, of bankers, of businessmen. The users of the wheel.
Followers: Yes.
Matthias: Do we use the tools of the wheel as he does?
Followers: No.
Matthias: Is he of the Family?
Zachary, Followers: No.
Matthias: Is he of the sacred society?
Followers: No.
Matthias: Then what is he?
Followers: Evil!
Matthias: [stands up] He is part of the dead. He has no place here. He has the stink of oil, maletrical circitry about him. He is obsolete.
[Neville comes to]
Matthias: [points to him] You are discarded. You are the refuse of the past!
Robert Neville: You're full of crap.
Matthias: How hard it is to admit the truth. Take him to the little room... for the questioning.
Little Girl: Are you God?
Lisa: Let's find out if he's even a doctor before we go promoting him, okay?
Lisa: Don't screw up. I know how to roll, but it's hard on the elbows. And if you just have to play James Bond, I'll bust your ass.
Neville: Yes, ma'am.
[going mad]
Neville: Is this how it starts? A trip to the laughing academy? No, you silly bastard, it starts with you asking yourself silly questions. OK, let's get cleaned up and get a drink before the bars close.
Matthias: Now we must build.
Robert Neville: Build coffins, that's all you'll need.
Matthias: Take him to the little room... for questioning.
Dutch: You could save the world.
Black Power Lisa: Screw the world, save Ritchie.
[At the deserted Dodger Stadium, Neville is tied up in an auto de fe and about to be burned at the stake]
Matthias: Here is evil.
Followers: Evil. Evil.
Matthias: Is this not the place where all the dead were burned?
Followers: Yes.
Matthias: [points to Neville] And this is the last of the dead! And what shall we do with him, my brethren?
Followers: Burn. Burn!
Matthias: Yes, burn. BURN!
[Members of the Family enter the room as Matthias is about to sentence Robert]
Matthias: He has confessed all, brothers: Murder, Use of forbidden tools, Practice of prescribed rights, Emit science, Medicine, Weapons, Machinery, Electricity. He has not shared the punishment. He does not bear the marks.
Robert Neville: Marks?
Matthias: Show him, my children. Show him the pretty marks.
[the members take off their sunglasses, revealing their albino, near-blind eyes]
Matthias: These are the marks, Mr. Neville. The punishment which you and those like you brought upon us. In the beginning, we tried to help one another, those that were left. We tried to clean things up, set things straight. We buried things and burned. Then it came to me and we were chosen. Chosen for just this work: To bury what was dead. To burn what was evil. To destroy what was dangerous.
Robert Neville: You're barbarians.
Matthias: Barbarians? You call us barbarians? Well... it is an honorable name. We mean to cancel the world you civilized people made. We will simply erase history from the time that machinery and weapons threaten more than they offered. And when you die, the last living reminder of hell will be gone. Gone! Brother Zachary?
Zachary: We are ready, brother.
Dutch: I was a med-school senior when they scratched the world. As a matter of fact, I was planning on applying to biowar labs for my post-doc, but, heh-heh, the next term never came.
Robert Neville: Now I'm sorry you didn't make it.
Lisa: Sorry the world didn't make it.
[Matthias throws a spear at Neville, hitting him and leaving a big gash in his chest]
Matthias: The bad dream is over, friend Neville. Now we can sleep in peace.
Robert Neville: [raspy] Lisa!
Lisa: [weakly] Robert, you're evil. I-I-I'm part of the Family, Robert. I'm sorry.
Lisa: [drowsy] The Family, Robert. Y - Uh... You don't understand. Oh... Robert...
Black Power Lisa: All right you son-of-a-bitch, you just hold tight. Up against the wall, you mother!
Neville: My name's Robert.
Black Power Lisa: Your name's mud.
Black Power Lisa: It's OK, Tommy. This is the man... and I mean "The Man," but he's cool.