Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stock-broker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government.

Jordan Belfort: Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.
[from trailer]
Jordan Belfort: My name is Jordan Belfort. I'm a former member of the middle class raised by two accountants in a tiny apartment in Bayside, Queens. The year I turned 26, as the head of my own brokerage firm, I made $49 million, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.
Jordan Belfort: On a daily basis I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month. I take Quaaludes 10-15 times a day for my "back pain", Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine... Well, because it's awesome.
Jordan Belfort: I fucked her brains out... for eleven seconds.
Mark Hanna: You gotta stay relaxed. Do you jerk off?
Jordan Belfort: Do I jerk off? Yeah.
Mark Hanna: How many times a week?
Jordan Belfort: Like um... three, three or four times maybe.
Mark Hanna: All right, pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, I jerk off at least... twice a day.
Jordan Belfort: Wow.
[repeated line]
Jordan Belfort: Sell me this pen!
Jordan Belfort: I am not gonna die sober!
Patrick Denham: Let me give you some legal advice: Shut the fuck up!
Jordan Belfort: People say shit... I mean like, you married your cousin or some stupid shit.
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, my wife is my cousin or whatever, but it's not like what you think.
Jordan Belfort: Is she like, a first cousin?
Donnie Azoff: Her father is the brother of my mom. Like, we grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know, she fucking grew up hot. And all my friends are trying to fuck her, you know, and I'm not gonna let one of these assholes fuck my cousin. So I used the cousin thing, as like, an in with her. I'm not like, gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? If anyone's gonna fuck my cousin, it's gonna be me. Out of respect.
Max Belfort: What kind of hooker takes credit cards?
Donnie Azoff: A rich one.
Jordan Belfort: You want a beer, pal?
Donnie Azoff: What are you drinkin'?
Jordan Belfort: I got this non-alcoholic shit...
Donnie Azoff: What's that?
Jordan Belfort: It's like a non-alcoholic beer. It's got no... no alcohol.
Donnie Azoff: It's a beer?
Jordan Belfort: Yeah, with no alcohol.
Donnie Azoff: But, you drink enough and... you drink a lot and it'll get you fucked up?
Jordan Belfort: No, there's no alcohol. That's the fuckin' point.
Donnie Azoff: I'm not a scientist; I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I can get you beer if you want fuckin' beer.
Jordan Belfort: I know, but I don't drink, remember? I don't drink anymore?
Donnie Azoff: What, you wanna go inside and blow some lines of baking powder, baking soda? Can't imagine ever not enjoying getting fucked up. I love it.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah...
Donnie Azoff: How's being sober?
Jordan Belfort: It fuckin' sucks.
Donnie Azoff: Boring, right?
Jordan Belfort: So boring. I'm gonna kill myself.
Donnie Azoff: How much money you make?
Jordan Belfort: U$70,000.00 last month.
Donnie Azoff: Get the fuck outta here!
Jordan Belfort: Well technically, U$72,000.00 last month.
Donnie Azoff: You show me a pay stub for U$72,000.00, I quit my job right now and work for you.
[later, on the phone]
Donnie Azoff: Hey Paulie, what's up? No, everything's fine. Hey listen, I quit!
Donnie Azoff: I'll tell you what: I'm never eating at Benihana again. I don't care whose birthday it is.
Jordan Belfort: I heard some stupid shit. I... I didn't even want to bring it up. It's just... stupid.
Donnie Azoff: Shit with me?
Jordan Belfort: You know, just... people say shit. I don't even know. I don't even listen to it half the time.
Donnie Azoff: What do they say?
Jordan Belfort: Shit about you and your cousin or something like that. I don't even listen to it. It doesn't even...
Donnie Azoff: No... it's not like that. It's not like that.
Jordan Belfort: You know what I mean? Like you married your cousin or some stupid shit, you know?
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, my wife... yeah, my wife is my cousin or whatever. But it's not like what you think or whatever, you know...
Jordan Belfort: Is she like a... first cousin, or is she...
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, no. She... you know, her... her father is the... is the brother of my mom.
Jordan Belfort: Mhm.
Donnie Azoff: It's not like... Look. We grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know. She fuckin' grew up hot and all of my friends were trying to fuck her, you know, and I wasn't... I'm not gonna let someone, you know, one of these assholes fuck my cousin. So I, you know, used the cousin thing as like... like an in with her. I'm not gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? If anyone is gonna fuck my cousin it's gonna be me, out of... out of respect, you know?
Jordan Belfort: No, I get it, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you're not afraid of like the whole kid thing, right? Like the whole...
Donnie Azoff: What, if the kid's retarded?
Jordan Belfort: Yeah.
Donnie Azoff: No, we have two kids.
Jordan Belfort: And they're... I mean, I don't want to get personal or anything, but are they okay?
Donnie Azoff: No, they're not retarded or anything like that...
Jordan Belfort: But there's a big chance, right? The whole...
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, there's like a 60 percent, you know... 60, 65 percent chance the kid's gonna be fuckin' retarded or whatever...
Jordan Belfort: That'd scare the shit out of me, buddy.
Donnie Azoff: Look, man... a lot of having a kid or whatever takes risk, whether you're fuckin' cousins or not, you know...
Jordan Belfort: What if... what if you... I mean, what if something like that happened?
Donnie Azoff: Well, basically, you know, if the kid was retarded I would... I would, you know, drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and let it... say "You're free now!" You know? Like, "Run free!" You know?
Mark Hanna: The name of the game, moving the money from the client's pocket to your pocket.
Jordan Belfort: But if you can make your clients money at the same time it's advantageous to everyone, correct?
Mark Hanna: No.
Jordan Belfort: [to the waiter] Oh, I'm good with water for now.
Mark Hanna: It's his first day on Wall Street. Give him time.
Naomi Lapaglia: Who's Venice?
Jordan Belfort: Who? Who?
Naomi Lapaglia: Who? Who? What are you, a fuckin' owl?
Jordan Belfort: [holding his child] Does Daddy get a kiss from both of his little girls?
Naomi Lapaglia: Oh, no. No, Daddy doesn't even get to touch Mommy for a very, very... very long time.
Jordan Belfort: Daddy's really sorry about what he said in the other room, he didn't mean any of it!
Naomi Lapaglia: Daddy shouldn't waste his time. And from now on... it's gonna be nothing but short, short skirts around the house. And you know something else, Daddy? Mommy is just so sick and tired of wearing panties.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah?
Naomi Lapaglia: Yeah.
Naomi Lapaglia: [pushes him away with her legs] But no touching.
Jordan Belfort: Oh, gosh.
Jordan Belfort: [Wakes up on plane; finds he is restrained by a seatbelt across his chest] Oh, Jesus Christ. Fuck. Donnie. Donnie this isn't... this isn't funny, you gotta untie me, buddy.
Donnie Azoff: I can't untie you! The captain tied you up, he almost fuckin' tasered you!
Jordan Belfort: Why?
Donnie Azoff: Why? You were, like, screaming at people. You were on the floor rollin' around and shit.
Jordan Belfort: Oh, Jesus.
Donnie Azoff: You called the captain the n-word.
Jordan Belfort: I called the captain the n-word?
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, he was very upset.
Jordan Belfort: Really?
Donnie Azoff: Luckily we're in first class. Jesus Christ. I think you have a fuckin' drug problem.
Max Belfort: $430,000 in one month, Jordy. huh?
Jordan Belfort: They're business expenses.
Max Belfort: Jordy, look what you've got here. Look at this! $26,000 for one dinner.
Jordan Belfort: No, no, this can be explained. Dad, we had clients, Pfizer clients. champagne.
Nicky Koskoff: The porterhouse from Argentina.
Jordan Belfort: Expensive champagne and the what, we had to buy champagne.
[to Donnie]
Jordan Belfort: And you brought in all the sides tell him about the sides.
Donnie Azoff: I ordered the sides, so...
Max Belfort: Sides? Sides? $26,000 worth of sides? What are these sides? They cure cancer?
Donnie Azoff: The sides did cure cancer, that's the problem, that's why they were expensive.
Jordan Belfort: [bursting into laughter] Shut the fuck up!
Donnie Azoff: I'm serious.
Jordan Belfort: Her pussy was like heroine to me. And it wasn't just about the sex either. Naomi and I got along. I mean, we had similar interests and shit.
Jordan Belfort: [throwing money at the FBI agents] Fun coupons!
Patrick Denham: Most of the Wall Street jackasses I bust are douchebags, just like their fathers before them. But you... you, Jordan, got this way all on your own.
Jordan Belfort: Did I?
Patrick Denham: Good for you, little man.
Jordan Belfort: Me, the little man?
Patrick Denham: Let me tell you something else. This is one of the nicest boats I'd ever been on. I gotta tell ya.
Jordan Belfort: I bet it is.
Patrick Denham: Hey, you wanna know what I was just thinking too? The hero I'm going to be back at the office when the Bureau seizes this boat.
Jordan Belfort: [laughing] Alright, get the fuck off my boat. Good luck on that subway ride home to your miserable, ugly wives.
Jordan Belfort: The real question is this: was all this legal? Absolutely fucking not. But we were making more money than we knew what do with.
Dwayne: If you sell $10,000 worth of stock, I'll give you a blowjob.
Jordan Belfort: This right here is the land of opportunity. This is America. This is my home! The show goes on!
[quoting Norma Rae]
Jordan Belfort: They're gonna need to send in the National Guard to take me out, cos I ain't going nowhere!
Donnie Azoff: I check my messages every day when I come home from work... my answering machine... zero! I got a blinkling light because I don't have shit from you. I got my wife... I got my wife checking the messages every forty-five minutes calling the office saying. "Has Brad apologized yet? Is there an apology message on the machine?" I don't have jack-shit. You know what? That's not how you treat people.
Brad: You gotta be a fucking pal... You know what, I'm gonna give you a fucking pass, just give me the case.
Donnie Azoff: You're gonna give me a pass?
Brad: Look, it's a figure of fucking speech, just give me the fucking...
Donnie Azoff: Oh my God, the emperor of Fucksville came down from Fucksville to give me a pass! Hey, what are the citizens of Fucksville doing today when their emperor's gone? Is it, is it mayhem? Are people lauding and raping? What are all the little fuckheads doing while you're here?
Naomi Lapaglia: Did you just cum?
Jordan Belfort: Oh yeah. I just came. Did you? Did you cum?
Naomi Lapaglia: No.
Jordan Belfort: No? OK. I'm still hard. Just give me a second.
Naomi Lapaglia: Sure.
Jordan Belfort: Oh my God! You had to deal with the Golf Course people too! What a greek tragedy! Honey oh my God!, you probably had to pay them in cash with your hands! What a fucking burden, and actually had to do some work besides swiping my fucking credit card all day? Huh? Cause I can't keep track of your professions honey! Last month you were a wine connoisseur, and now you're an aspiring landscape architect, Isn't that right?
Naomi Lapaglia: Fuck you!
Jordan Belfort: Don't you dare throw that fucking water on me! Don't you fucking dare!
Mark Hanna: OK, first rule of Wall Street - Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is going up, down or f-ing sideways, least of all stockbrokers. But we have to pretend we know.
Jordan Belfort: Sell me this pen.
Brad: Write me your name on this napkin.
Jordan Belfort: I can't, I don't have a pen.
Brad: There you go, it's a matter of supply and demand.
Jordan Belfort: [in thoughts] What I'm asking, you Swiss dick, is are you going to fuck me over?
Jean Jacques Saurel: [also in thoughts] I understand perfectly, you American shit,
Jean Jacques Saurel: Ça depend.
Jordan Belfort: Ça depend on what exactly?
Jean Jacques Saurel: Whether America plans to invade Switzerland in the upcoming months.
Jordan Belfort: [when asked who is Captain Ahab] The book, motherfucker, the book!
Mark Hanna: Nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a Fugazi is?"
Jordan Belfort: Fugazi, it's a fake.
Mark Hanna: Fugazi, Fugazi. It's a wazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust.
Jordan Belfort: So you listen to me and you listen well. Are you behind on you credit card bills? Good, pick up the phone and start dialing! Is your landlord ready to evict you? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! Does your girlfriend think you're fucking worthless loser? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich!
Mark Hanna: You jerk off? How many times a week do you jerk off?
Jordan Belfort: Yeah, yeah I jerk off. Uh, I don't know like 2, 3 times a week?
Mark Hanna: Ok, you're going to want to raise those numbers. You're in the fucking minor leagues. Me, I jack it 12-15 times a week. Twice a day. Once in the morning after I work out, once after lunch. If you don't do it, the stress of this job, it'll make you explode. Or worse, you'll implode. You don't wanna implode.
Donnie Azoff: [Donnie was pretending to be drunk] It was a joke! I'm sober. It's a fucking joke.
Brad: Are you fucking stupid?
Donnie Azoff: Jesus Christ, I think you have a fuckin' drug problem.
Jordan Belfort: Where are the 'ludes'?
Donnie Azoff: They're up my ass. Don't worry about it, I got it.
Jordan Belfort: [sigh of relief] Thank God.
Donnie Azoff: [peeing on his subpoena] Fuck you, U.S.A. Fuck you, U.S.A. Fuck you! Fuck you!
Mark Hanna: I want to jerk off - but that's not why I do it. I do it because I NEED to.
Nicholas the Butler: Oh! Hey! Is it Wednesday already?
Jordan Belfort: Donnie and I were going out on our own. And the first thing we needed was brokers. Guys with Sales experience. So I recruited some of my home town boys. Sea Otter, who sold meat and weed. Chester, who sold tires and weed. And Robbie, who sold anything he can get his hands on, mostly Weed. This is Brad, and Brad is the guy i really wanted. But he didn't go along with us. He was making so much money selling Quaaludes that he become the Quaalude King of Bayside.
Jordan Belfort: She designs women's panties too? Oh, my God!
Donnie Azoff: I got a couple of mil' comin' in like a week. And when it gets in, I'll give you a call and you come pick it up.
Brad: You'll give me a call?
Donnie Azoff: When it gets here, I'll give you a call and you'll come pick it up.
Chantalle: Well, we don't work for you, man!
Donnie Azoff: Sweetheart, you have my money taped to your tits. Technically, you do work for me.
Jordan Belfort: My wife, Naomi, the Duchess of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. A former model and Miller Lite girl. Yeah. She was the one with my cock in her mouth in the Ferrari, so put your dick back in your pants.
Jordan Belfort: See those little black boxes? They're called telephones. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret about these telephones. They're not gonna dial themselves. Okay? Without you, they're just worthless hunks of plastic. Like a loaded M16 without a trained marine to pull the trigger.
Jordan Belfort: This is the greatest company in the world!
Patrick Denham: I'm sure we'll be seeing each other real soon.
Jordan Belfort: I'm sure. Good luck on that subway ride home to your miserable ugly fuckin' wives. I'm gonna have Heidi lick some caviar off my balls in the meantime.
Donnie Azoff: Whoa! Did you just try to kiss me, bro?
Max Belfort: [hears a phone] Who the fuck has the goddamn gall to call this house on a Tuesday night? God damn it!
Leah Belfort: [watching TV] You're going to miss it!
Max Belfort: Tell me something I don't know, I wait all week for the fucking Equalizer and they have to fucking...
[picks up the phone]
Max Belfort: [calmly, in a transatlantic accent] Jean? How are you, Jean?... Righto, Jean, I'll get on it!... Cheerio!
[hangs up]
Max Belfort: [explodes] Fucking half-wit!
Jean Jacques Saurel: You American shit!
Donnie Azoff: You dress like shit, so fuck you!
Brad: Motherfucker!
[punches Donnie]
Jordan Belfort: OOH! Jesus!
Brad: How do you like that? Who's the faggot now?
Jordan Belfort: You okay? Hey pal.
Donnie Azoff: Jordan, it's fucking good, right? It's fucked up.
Donnie Azoff: [laughing] I'm on the phone!
Jordan Belfort: [Fuorious about newspaper article] Look at this! The wolf of Wall Street they call me! Look!
Teresa Petrillo: Your hair looks good.
Jordan Belfort: [after shipwreck] The nice thing about being rescued by Italians is that they feed you, make you drink red wine, then you get to dance.
Donnie Azoff: [masturbates to Naomi] Perfect...
Jordan Belfort: Donnie, what the fuck are you doing you piece of shit?
[beats down Donnie]
Jordan Belfort: [to Naomi] You have to excuse my friend.
Jordan Belfort: The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.
Jordan Belfort: [on getting arrested] I'm sober for two years, stopped my drugs, settled down with my wife and kids, and then this happens! Rugrat gets busted down in Miami, and guess who happens to be with him? Saurel! That's right, out of all the Swiss bankers in Miami, it had to be him! Even more fucked, is that he got busted for shit that had nothing to do with me. It had nothing to fucking do with me! Some stuff about running drugs with Rocky Aoki, you know, the founder of Benihana? Benihana... Beni-fucking-hana? BENI-FUCKING-HANA? WHY? WHY, GOD? Why would You be so cruel as to use the king of Japanese restaurants to take me down?
Mark Hanna: So if you've got a client who bought stock at 8 and now it's at 16 and he's all fucking happy, he wants to cash in and liquidate, take his fucking money and run home, you don't let him do that... 'cause that would make it real.
Aunt Emma: Risk is what keeps us young, isn't it, darling?
[last lines]
Jordan Belfort: I'm not ashamed to admit it: my first time in prison, I was terrified. For a moment, I had forgotten I lived in a world where everything was for sale. Wouldn't you like to know how to sell it?
Jordan Belfort: Even though I own 85% of Steve Cocksucking Motherfucking Madden Shoes, the shares were in his fucking name!
Max Belfort: This is obscene!
Jordan Belfort: I was obscene, in the real world. But who the fuck wanted to live there?
Jordan Belfort: Everybody needs something.
Alden Kupferberg: Nah, Amish and Buddhists don't need a thing.
Jordan Belfort: I'm not talking about Amish and Buddhists, I'm talking about ordinary blue-collar people who want to get rich and own stuff!
Jordan Belfort: You wanna know what money sounds like? Go to a trading floor on wall street. Fuck this, shit that. Cunt, cock, asshole. I couldn't believe how these guys talked to each other! I was hooked in seconds. It was like mainlining adrenelin.
[first lines]
Jordan Belfort: [in an ad] The world of investing can be a jungle. Bulls. Bears. Danger at every turn. That's why we at Stratton Oakmont pride ourselves on being the best. Trained professionals to guide you through the financial wilderness. Stratton Oakmont. Stability. Integrity. Pride.
Donnie Azoff: [raves at Brad] You're gonna knock whose fucking teeth in? Whose fucking teeth are you gonna knock in? I put the money on that fucking table, not you!
Jordan Belfort: He's got a gun you fucking idiot!
Donnie Azoff: Fuck his gun!
Jordan Belfort: After 15 years in storage, the lemons had developed a delayed fuse. It took 90 minutes for these fuckers to kick in but once they did POW, and I had skipped the tingle phase and jumped straight to the drool phase. These little bastards where so strong I had discovered a whole new phase. The Cerebral palsy phase.
Donnie Azoff: The IRS, they allow for T&A, it's fine.
Max Belfort: T&E. T and E. It's T and E!
Jordan Belfort: [gets a wire] It wasn't even a choice.
Donnie Azoff: I hate that fuckin' dog.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah, it's getting old and decrepit. It's startin' to shit in the house again.
Donnie Azoff: Me too.
Jordan Belfort: [whispering] Donnie. Hold on baby. Donnie.
Jordan Belfort: Donnie!
Donnie Azoff: What?
Jordan Belfort: Get the fucking ludes.
Donnie Azoff: I don't wanna die, Jordan! I did a lot of bad shit. I'm going to hell, Jordan! I fucked up! I fucked up so bad.
Jordan Belfort: Get the ludes downstairs!
Donnie Azoff: What are you saying?
Jordan Belfort: Fuck. Get the ludes!
Donnie Azoff: I can't go down there, Jordan. It's flooded! It's three feet of water down there.
Jordan Belfort: I will not die sober! Get those fucking ludes!
Naomi Lapaglia: Where's he going?
Jordan Belfort: Hold on, baby!
Naomi Lapaglia: Donnie! Is he fucking crazy?
Jordan Belfort: He's just warning everybody.
Captain Ted Beecham: Jesus Christ. Hold on! Get away from the window! Rogue wave!
[on radio]
Captain Ted Beecham: Mayday! This is Captain Ted Beecham aboard the yacht Naomi! We are going down!
Donnie Azoff: I got 'em!
Jordan Belfort: Give me one for the nerves!
Naomi Lapaglia: You're doing fucking drugs right now?
Captain Ted Beecham: This is a fucking mayday! We require immediate assistance!
Jordan Belfort: [narration] The nice thing about getting rescued by Italians is that they feed you, make you drink red wine, then you get to dance.
Jordan Belfort: Give me a kiss, sweetheart.
Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan.
Jordan Belfort: Oh come on, baby. I haven't made love to you in so long.
Naomi Lapaglia: No.
Jordan Belfort: Please.
Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan, stop it.
[Jordan continues kissing her]
Naomi Lapaglia: No! Jordan, stop it!
Jordan Belfort: [flashes to Jordan having sex with Naomi] I love you so much.
Naomi Lapaglia: I fucking hate you , Jordan! Get off me!
Jordan Belfort: No, baby. Don't do that. You know how much I love you, right? Stop that sweetie, please?
Naomi Lapaglia: [pauses] You wanna fuck me, Jordan? You wanna fuck me? Good. Go at it. Go ahead and fuck me. I want you to fuck me real hard. I want you to fuck me like it's the last fucking time. Come on.
Jordan Belfort: Babe, why you doing it like that?
Naomi Lapaglia: Because I want you to come for me, baby.
Jordan Belfort: Come on, baby.
Naomi Lapaglia: Come for me, baby. I want you to come for me like it's the last fucking time.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah?
Naomi Lapaglia: Yeah! Come on, baby. Come for me. Come on, baby.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah? Want me to come for you?
Naomi Lapaglia: Yeah.
[Jordan forcefully finishes]
Jordan Belfort: Oh God! Oh!
Jordan Belfort: Oh baby. That was so fucking great.
Naomi Lapaglia: That was the last time.
Jordan Belfort: What do you mean, baby?
Naomi Lapaglia: I mean that was the last time we ever have sex.
Jordan Belfort: Babe, I spoke to the lawyers again today. I have some really, really great news. Turns out you're completely off the hook, honey.
Naomi Lapaglia: I know that already.
Jordan Belfort: Right! Exactly. In fact, you never did anything wrong in the first place. Turns out all the FBI really wants from me is to cooperate. You know? Turns out I have so much information about the stock market and Wall Street I can save the government years of heartache. Not to mention countless dollars.
Naomi Lapaglia: Mhmm.
Jordan Belfort: But it gets even better, baby. Because if I do decide to cooperate I might only looking at four short years. In which case, you know, we could start fresh. Maybe sell the house. And any fines that I have to pay wouldn't be due until after I've served my term, so we'd still have plenty of money leftover.
Naomi Lapaglia: Mhmm.
Jordan Belfort: The only thing that of course bummed me out a little bit about this whole idea is having to give information about my friends.
Naomi Lapaglia: Well, like you said there's no friends on Wall Street. Right?
Jordan Belfort: Right! Right, exactly. So there's a silver lining to that too, honey. Because they said eventually everyone's going to have to give information on this case so at the end of the day it might not even be a factor.
Naomi Lapaglia: Well that's good news. right?
Jordan Belfort: Yeah! Yeah.
Naomi Lapaglia: I'm really happy for you.
Jordan Belfort: What do you mean happy for me? Sweetheart, you should be happy for the both of us. Right?
Naomi Lapaglia: Yeah. Right.
Captain Ted Beecham: Hold on!
Jordan Belfort: What the fuck is going on out here?
Captain Ted Beecham: The jet skis just went overboard!
Jordan Belfort: Oh, Jesus Christ. Honey, you okay?
Captain Ted Beecham: The waves are 20 feet high and building!
Jordan Belfort: Turn around! Let's go the other fucking way!
Captain Ted Beecham: We can't! We'll get broad-sided and tip over.
Jordan Belfort: I am a master diver, you hear that? A master diver! No one's gonna fucking die! I got you, baby. I got you. Trust me, okay? I love you.
[kisses Naomi]
Jordan Belfort: I love you, baby. Just hold on tight.
Naomi Lapaglia: Okay!
Jordan Belfort: [narration] Say what you will, but the Duchess did have style. She brought in a decorator, feng shui'd the whole place. She even hired a gay butler. This guy was smart, sophisticated, professional. Really, really great. Except for that one time.
Naomi Lapaglia: [Naomi walks in on a gay orgy] Oh my God!
Nicholas the Butler: Oh, hey. Is it Wednesday already? Uh, what the fuck! That is fucked up!
Naomi Lapaglia: [to Jordan after the incident] He must have thought we were still at the Hamptons this weekend, you know.
Jordan Belfort: Right, right. Where were they doing it, sweetheart? In the bedroom?
Naomi Lapaglia: They were everywhere! There were two guys over there on the table. There were more over here. There were four right here.
Jordan Belfort: Ugh! Are you fucking serious? Right there? Why didn't you tell me, sweetheart?
Naomi Lapaglia: Baby, it gets worse. After they left I checked the apartment.
Naomi Lapaglia: Oh my God!
Jordan Belfort: Will you marry me?
Naomi Lapaglia: Oh my God.
Jordan Belfort: Is that a yes?
Naomi Lapaglia: Are you sure?
Jordan Belfort: Yeah I'm sure. Yeah, I'm sure. Are you sure?
Naomi Lapaglia: Yeah!
Naomi Lapaglia: Wake up, you piece of shit! Who's Venice?
Jordan Belfort: Who?
Naomi Lapaglia: Huh?
Jordan Belfort: Who? Who?
Naomi Lapaglia: Who? What are you, a fucking owl? Who is she? Some little hooker you were fucking last night?
Jordan Belfort: What the fuck are you talking about? No. No way, baby, no!
Naomi Lapaglia: You were calling her name in your sleep!
Jordan Belfort: Are you out of your fucking mind? I don't even know who Venice is. What the fuck does that even mean? Venice. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my fucking life!
[after flashback of sex with Venice]
Jordan Belfort: That's right. That's right, I forgot. Donnie and I were investing in a condominium complex in Venice. That's why all this confusion.
Naomi Lapaglia: Oh, you're investing in Italy?
Jordan Belfort: Not Italy. California, baby!
Naomi Lapaglia: Oh, California? You're a lying piece of shit!
Jordan Belfort: Duchess, baby, come on!
Naomi Lapaglia: Don't you fucking Duchess me! Don't you Duchess me! Do you really think that I don't know what you're up to? You're a father now, Jordan.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah! I know.
Naomi Lapaglia: You're a father now. And you're still acting like an infant!
[throws water in his face]
Jordan Belfort: Fuck! Goddamn it! Baby, you know you got real anger issues.
Naomi Lapaglia: Who is the one who flew in here at 3:00 in the morning on their stupid helicopter and woke up Skylar? That was you! Doesn't even matter to you! Does it even matter to you that I just had that driving range sodded with Bermuda grass, Jordan, and now you fucking wrecked it!
Jordan Belfort: Oh, Bermuda grass.
Naomi Lapaglia: No, you didn't research the whole thing and deal with the fucking golf course people!
Jordan Belfort: Oh my God! You had to deal with the gold course people, too! What a Greek tragedy honey! Oh my God! You probably had to pay them in cash with your hands! What a fucking burden! And actually do some work besides swiping my fucking credit card all day, huh? Because I can't keep track of your professions, honey. Last month you were a wine connoisseur, now you're an aspiring landscape architect. Let me get that right.
Naomi Lapaglia: Fuck you!
Jordan Belfort: Don't fucking dare throw that fucking water at me. Don't you fucking dare.
Naomi Lapaglia: I want a divorce.
Jordan Belfort: What do you mean you want a divorce? What is that supposed to mean, you want a divorce?
Naomi Lapaglia: Get off me! I want a divorce. Get off.
Jordan Belfort: You just made love to me. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Naomi Lapaglia: I don't love you anymore, Jordan!
Jordan Belfort: Oh, you don't love me? You don't love me anymore, huh? Well isn't that just fucking convenient for you! Now that I'm under federal indictment with an electronic bracelet around my ankle, now you decide you don't fucking love me anymore. Is that right?
Naomi Lapaglia: No, no.
Jordan Belfort: What kind of person are you? Tell me.
Naomi Lapaglia: You married me!
Jordan Belfort: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Naomi Lapaglia: Jordan, this is how it's gonna go. I'm gonna take custody of the kids. If you agree to the divorce right now, I will allow visitation. Okay? Don't try to fight it.
Jordan Belfort: Oh my God.
Naomi Lapaglia: It will save us both a lot of money and I got a feeling you're gonna need it.
Jordan Belfort: You're not taking my kids, sweetheart. You hear me?
Naomi Lapaglia: I've already talked to the lawyer. He said even if you don't get convicted I've got a good chance of getting them.
Jordan Belfort: I got news for you. You're not fucking taking my children you vicious fucking cunt, you!
[Naomi slaps Jordan and he slaps her back]
Jordan Belfort: Fuck you! You fucking bitch! You're not fucking taking my goddamn fucking kids! You hear me? Fuck you! You're not fucking taking my fucking kids! Fucking whore.
Naomi Lapaglia: [Sees Jordan snorting cocaine] Look at yourself, Jordan. You're sick! You're a sick man!
Jordan Belfort: Fuck you! I told you, you're not taking my fucking kids.
Naomi Lapaglia: You think I would let my kids near you? Look at yourself! You know what my lawyer said? My lawyer said that you're going to prison for 20 years, Jordan! Twenty fucking years! You're never gonna see the kids again! No, I'm not fucking letting you near my kids!
Jordan Belfort: You don't think I'm gonna see my fucking kids again, huh?
Naomi Lapaglia: Good morning, daddy. Where's my kiss?
Jordan Belfort: Hey, sweetheart! Does daddy get a kiss from both of his little girls, huh?
Naomi Lapaglia: Oh no. No, daddy doesn't even get to touch mommy for a very, very, very long time.
Jordan Belfort: Daddy's really sorry about what he said in the other room. He didn't mean any of it.
Naomi Lapaglia: Daddy shouldn't waste his time. And from now on, it's gonna be nothing but short, short skirts around the house. And you know something else, daddy? Mommy is just so sick and tired of wearing panties.
Jordan Belfort: Yeah?
Naomi Lapaglia: Yeah. In fact, she's decided to throw them all away.
[opens legs]
Naomi Lapaglia: So take a good look, daddy. You're gonna be seeing an awful lot of this around the house.
Jordan Belfort: Oh, baby. Yeah mommy.
Naomi Lapaglia: But no touching.
Jordan Belfort: Ow.
Naomi Lapaglia: What's wrong, daddy?
Jordan Belfort: Mmm, baby. Okay, mommy likes to play games with daddy. Mommy, have you ever noticed anything odd about Mr. Fuzzy Bear over there? His eyes seem to be a little bit odd, don't they? Yeah, there's something a little bit different about his eyes. Yes, I think it's true. Say hi, mommy!
[waves to security camera]
Jordan Belfort: Say hi to Rocco and Rocco! Say hi! Hi, fellas!
Naomi Lapaglia: Fuck you!
Jordan Belfort: [narration] Of all the fucking days, she chooses today to give me blue balls.