Upon his return to his ancestral homeland, an American man is bitten, and subsequently cursed by, a werewolf.

[First Lines]
Maleva: Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright.
[last lines]
Gwen Conliffe: It is said there is no sin in killing a beast, only in killing a man. But where does one begin and the other end.
MacQueen: It was about twenty-five years ago now. My pa found him: Quinn Noddy and all his flock. Brains, guts and God-knows-what lying across the moor. And the look on Quinn's face. Like he'd been eaten alive. Whatever did it, it was big, had claws, and didn't mind a load of buckshot. After that, me father went home. He melted down my ma's wedding spoons, and cast silver bullets off 'em. He wouldn't leave the house on a full moon from then on.
[Sir John has just saved Lawrence from a mob of angry villagers by warning them that Singh is on top of the mansion with a reloading rifle]
Lawrence Talbot: Thank you father.
Sir John Talbot: You can thank Singh. Whenever he gets back from the village. You're not the only one in this family who can act.
[from trailer]
Lawrence Talbot: I will kill all of you!
Colonel Montford: [Sir John shoots a statue next to Colonel Montford causing him to fall off his horse] My eyes... Damn you, Talbot!
Sir John Talbot: I'm sorry, Colonel. I meant to shoot you. Sadly, I'm not quite the marksman I used to be... I must be getting old.
Lawrence Talbot: I get your implication, and resent it. You're clearly aware of my personal history, as I believe I'm aware of yours. Weren't you in charge of the ripper case a couple of years back?
Det. Aberline: You're a direct man. So I'll be equally direct with you. I am not your enemy, Mr. Talbot. You've been seen as Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard III, all with that same face. A prudent man would ask who else might be living inside that head of yours?
Gwen Conliffe: What are you afraid of?
Lawrence Talbot: If anything ever happened to you I'd never forgive myself.
Det. Aberline: [after The Wolfman's rampage in London] God help us.
Reverend Fisk: There are those who doubt the power of Satan. The power of Satan to change men into beasts. But the ancient Pagans did not doubt, nor did the prophets. Did not Daniel warn Nebakanezer? But the proud king did not heed Daniel. And so, as the bible says, he was made as unto a wolf and cast down from man. A beast has come among us! But God will defend his faithful. With his right hand, he will smite the foul demon. I say to you, the enemy's ploy is a devious one, twisting the occursed into beasts he seeks to bring us low, and make us as animals. Teach us self-loathing so that we forget that we are made in the image of almighty God himself. Why does our Lord tolerate this mockery? Pride goeth before destruction? A faulty spirit before the fall? I say it is because we have sinned against him. Because our crimes reek to Heaven, and they demand vengeance!
[from trailer]
Sir John Talbot: [from trailer] You've done terrible things... be strong.
Colonel Montford: What if it wasn't a beast at all, but a cunning murderer? Someone who bore a grudge against one of these men. To misdirect the authorities, he kills the men, and then he tears up the bodies to make it look like a wild beast was responsible?
Constable Nye: Ridiculous! Who would go to such lengths?
Kirk: What about that gypsy dancing bear? It could have done it.
Colonel Montford: That mangy thing? Kill three men? I doubt it.
Reverend Fisk: I saw the bodies with my own eyes. Unnatural wounds. Most unnatural. Made by a fell creature I'd say.
Kirk: Damn gypsies wandering the countryside bringing their woe and deviltry with them. They show up and two weeks later *this* happens! My guess is Ben Talbot went to their camp to have it off with a gypsy whore. The bear gets hold of him, and they dump what's left of him in the ditch!
MacQueen: Got nothing to do with the gypsies.
[Everyone turns to look at MacQueen]
MacQueen: Twenty-five years ago now, me Pa found. Quinn Noddy and all his flock. Brains and guts and God-knows-what lying all over the moor for a quarter mile. And, Quinn, the look on his face. Like he'd been eaten alive. Whatever did it was big, had claws, and didn't mind a load of buckshot. After that me Pa went home and melted down me Ma's wedding spoons and cast silver bullets on 'em. Wouldn't leave the house on a full moon from then on.
Kirk: [after a short pause] I still say that bear's to blame.
Lawrence Talbot: [his eyes open after being shot by a silver bullet and transforming back into a human] Gwen?
Gwen Conliffe: [crying] I'm sorry...
Lawrence Talbot: It had to be this way.
Gwen Conliffe: I'm sorry.
Lawrence Talbot: [he holds her hand] Thank you.
Dr. Hoenneger: Ah, Mr. Talbot. We are here tonight to illustrate conclusively that Mr. Talbot's fears are quite irrational. So, we will remain in this room together, and once Mr. Talbot has witnessed that the full moon holds no sway over him, that he remains a perfectly ordinary human being, he will have taken his first small step down the long road to mental recovery. We are all aware that Mr. Talbot has suffered quite traumatic personal experiences. He witnessed his mother's self mutilations. His young mind, unable to accept it, created a fantastical truth, that his father is to blame. That is father is literally a monster. But, your father is not a werewolf. You were not bitten by a werewolf. You will not become a werewolf, any more than I will sprout wings and fly out of that window.
Lawrence Talbot: I must confess, I envy my brother. The days he had with you, what joy he must have felt. I would have given anything I own to have known you in another life. I must get back to Talbot Hall and end this.
Sir John Talbot: You sure you won't stay one more night?
Gwen Conliffe: My father has lodgings at the inn, and that's more convenient for the train so...
[She turns to Lawrence]
Gwen Conliffe: When do you return to London?
Lawrence Talbot: Not till I find out what happened to my brother.
[Gwen turns and climbs into the carraige. She and Lawrence exchange a brief glance before the driver pulls away]
Sir John Talbot: Lawrence, that's all well and good, but I think your inquiry could wait until tomorrow. The moon is full tonight and I'd prefer that you stay inside in the event that your raving lunatic theory is correct. I don't want to lose you too.
Lawrence Talbot: [from trailer] What happened?
Sir John Talbot: [from trailer] Your brother's body was found in a ditch. He'd been torn to pieces.
Det. Aberline: [to a police officer while running trying to catch the Wolfman] I don't suppose we have any silver bullets?
Sir John Talbot: I do have a small gift for you Lawrence in the event you don't find life as glorious as I find it to be... or not to be.
Sir John Talbot: Terrible things, Lawrence. You've done terrible things!
[from trailer]
Maleva: Darkness comes for you.
Dr. Hoenneger: [Pounding on the door, with the Wolfman coming behind him] Open... open this door!
Custodian: It appears to be locked sir.
[from trailer]
Gwen Conliffe: Let me help you!
Lawrence Talbot: [Seeing the silver bullets] Singh, I didn't know you hunted monsters.
Singh: [Ominously] Sometimes monsters hunt you.
Sir John Talbot: She exerts enormous power, doesn't she?
Lawrence Talbot: I wish things were different.
Sir John Talbot: Never look back, Lawrence. Never look back. The past is a wilderness of horrors. Lawrence... I'm glad you're home.
Sir John Talbot: Are those Singh's silver bullets in my gun?
Lawrence Talbot: I'm sorry.
Sir John Talbot: You have me at a disadvantage. It makes me happy.
Lawrence Talbot: What does?
Sir John Talbot: Well, seeing you here like this. My son returned. It is glorious, isn't it?
Lawrence Talbot: No, it's hell.
Sir John Talbot: It is monstrous, a young boy seeing his mother like that. I would have given my life Lawrence, that you hadn't found us that night. You must believe me when I tell you this Lawrence. You do believe me, don't you? I loved your mother with a passion like the burning of the sun. Her death finished me, I was devastated. But I still prowl the house at night, searching for her. But I'm dead all the same. Look into my eyes Lawrence, you see that I am quite dead.
[Aberline sits down at a table in the pub and opens a newspaper. Mrs. Kirk walks up to him]
Det. Aberline: A pint of bitter, please.
[She only stares at him. He looks up from his paper, stares back, and tips his hat towards her]
Det. Aberline: Mrs. Kirk.
Mrs. Kirk: Why aren't you out with MacQueen, trying to catch that thing what killed my husband?
Det. Aberline: As I don't know where the lunatic will strike, it seems the practical thing to do is to stay as near as possible to the potential victims.
[a man nearby spits out his drink and begins coughing]
Det. Aberline: And seeing that 214 of the 309 residents of Blackmoor and its environs live within, what, 500 yards of this tavern, I was planning to spend the evening here.
Mrs. Kirk: Not Talbot Hall?
Det. Aberline: Why would you say that?
Mrs. Kirk: They're cursed. All of them.
Det. Aberline: Unfortunately, "cursed" does not give me a warrant to wander about Sir John's estate at night. Rules, Mrs. Kirk. They're all that keep us from a dog-eat-dog world, you know. Pint of bitter. please.
[repeated line]
Lawrence Talbot: I'll kill you.
Gwen Conliffe: Lawrence, please let me help you.
Lawrence Talbot: You already have.
[from trailer]
Lawrence Talbot: You have to leave.
Gwen Conliffe: What are you afraid of...?
Gwen Conliffe: It must be a wonderful luxury doing battle with imaginary demons, Mr. Talbot. Mine right now are very real.
Sir John Talbot: You're heir to my kingdom, Lawrence. You've always been heir to my kingdom.
Sir John Talbot: [from trailer] Terrible things Lawrence, you've done terrible things.
Lawrence Talbot: You killed my mother.
Sir John Talbot: Yes, I suppose I did.
Lawrence Talbot: Do you believe in curses?
Singh: This house has seen it's fair share of tragedy. Your mother. Your brother. Yes, I believe in curses.
Lawrence Talbot: Miss Conliffe. I am Lawrence.
Gwen Conliffe: I know who you are.
Lawrence Talbot: I'm sorry we're meeting like this. These were Ben's. He'd want you to have them.
[He hands her a bag, a ring, and a picture of her]
Lawrence Talbot: If there is anything you need, anything at all, please let me know.
Gwen Conliffe: I want to know what happened to him.
Lawrence Talbot: I'll do everything I can.
Gwen Conliffe: Thank you. Thank you for coming.
Gwen Conliffe: What's happened?
Lawrence Talbot: You have to leave. Please pack your things.
Gwen Conliffe: Did I do something?
Lawrence Talbot: It's not safe here. You must return to London tonight.
[Sir John begins playing the piano which startles Lawrence. Lawrence points the shotgun at his father]
Sir John Talbot: I will arise and go to my father and I will say unto him, 'Father I have sinned against heaven and before thee. I am no more worthy to be called thy son'.
[He stops playing and looks at Lawrence]
Lawrence Talbot: Lo and behold there he stands, the prodical son, for he is returned.
[Sir John stands up and begins moving toward Lawrence who raises the shotgun]
Sir John Talbot: Shall I have my own robe brought to be placed upon your shoulders? Rings for your fingers? Shoes for your feet?
Lawrence Talbot: What you should do is pray. But we both know it wouldn't do any good.
Sir John Talbot: Are those Singh's silver bullets in my gun?
Lawrence Talbot: I'm sorry.
Sir John Talbot: You have me at a disadvantage. It makes me happy.
Lawrence Talbot: What does?
Sir John Talbot: Well, seeing you here like this. My son returned. It is glorious, isn't it?
Lawrence Talbot: No, it's hell
Sir John Talbot: Hell? No. The beast is the beast. Let it run free.
Sir John Talbot: [from trailer] Lo and behold, the prodigal son returns. I hope you're not expecting a fatted calf.
Lawrence Talbot: [from trailer] Hello father.
Lawrence Talbot: You should kill yourself.
Sir John Talbot: Oh, I cannot tell you how often I've considered that. But life is far too glorious, Lawrence, especially to the cursed and the damned, like myself.
[from trailer]
Lawrence Talbot: [from trailer] I am what they say I am... I'm a monster.