A beautiful hemophage infected with a virus that gives her superhuman powers has to protect a boy in a futuristic world, who is thought to be carrying antigens that would destroy all hemophages.

Garth: Why won't you ever let anyone inside?
Violet: Because these moments, as beautiful as they are, are evil when they're gone.
[first lines]
Violet: Hello. My name is Violet and I was born into a world you may not understand.
Violet: Nerva, listen. You know it doen't matter for me. I'll be dead in 36 hours, no matter what. But every human for a quarter mile doesn't have to die with me.
Garth: You jeopardize everything by coming here.
Violet: I don't have any place left to go, Garth. Besides, you have all my guns.
[Violet walks through a scanning device]
Computer: Warning. Warning. Firearms detected.
[Violet's possessions in the "pocket dimension" begin to appear, which happen to be two very long rows of identical handguns]
Computer: Number of weapons found...
[long pause]
Computer: many.
Daxus: I have seven hundred soldiers here with me. What do you really think you can do against that many men?
Violet: I can kill them.
Violet: [to Six] Haven't you been paying attention? Killing is what I do. It's what I'm good at. I am a titan. A monolith. Nothing can stop me.
Violet: What the hell choice do I have?
Six: A very clear one. To watch me die... or make me watch you do the same.
Violet: I think I had to know what I was willing to die for.
Violet: [to Six] When I was a kid... when I was just a little girl... I used to dream about this old, dusty road. And this road would go on as far as the eye could see. There were all these little white flowers growing around the edges. And it was such a peaceful place. But then you realize... when life settles in around you... places like this... don't exist.
Violet: [facing a room full of Daxus' warriors] You are all going to die.
Daxus: You got hemo blood on me...
[pulls off gloves]
Daxus: ... It is on.
Violet: You think those people are bad? Well, let me tell you something. The real monster you don't want to knocking down your door is me.
Six: If I scream... we'll both be dead.
Violet: I've never failed to complete
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: Violet Song jat Shariff. Tell me I'm wrong
Violet: You're wrong.
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: Why are you doing this?
Violet: Because I hate humans with every fiber of my being... and I'll kill every single one of them... almost as quickly as they'll try and kill me.
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: You used to be human.
Violet: But not anymore, right? I got sick and now I'm something less than human. Something worthy of extermination.
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: It's academic now, isn't it? You won't make it out of here with that case.
Violet: Watch me.
Daxus: Do you know who I am?
Violet: How could I not? Tyrant. Egomaniac. Narcissist. That about sums it up, doesn't it?
Daxus: Yes it may be true. I may have... quirks.
Violet: So, what would happen if one were to fail any of these tests?
Medical Tech 1: Nothing good. Please remove all articles of clothing and proceed into the scanner.
Violet: [after dispatching a room full of Daxus' warriors] Is that all you got?
Violet: [to Six] Don't get any cute ideas either. The only reason I saved your life... is because whatever is in your blood can save mine. If they corner us, suffer no delusions... I will kill you.
[deleted scene, during the library fight scene]
Daxus: How much weaponry does she have left?
Daxus Aide 1: Based on scans taken from the security portal...
Daxus Aide 1: plenty.
Daxus: ...
[takes a deep breath]
Daxus: O-kay...
Daxus: [facing Violet with her sword] For God's sakes. Violet, I'm unarmed.
Violet: [looks at each arm of Daxus and raises her sword] Not yet, you're not.
Daxus: Are you mental?
Long-Haired Hemophage 2: How can you hope to defeat us? We're as strong as you...
Long-Haired Hemophage 1: ...we're as fast as you...
Violet: ...but are you one-tenth as *pissed off* as I am?
Nerva: Are you insane?
Violet: You won't drop him. You need him more than I do.
Nerva: [to the hemophages surrounding Violet] End her.