Jack London's classic adventure story about the friendship developed between a Yukon gold hunter and the mixed dog-wolf he rescues from the hands of a man who mistreats him.

Jack Conroy: What's his name?
Grey Beaver: Mia Tuk.
Jack Conroy: What's that mean?
Grey Beaver: White Fang.
[about Jack]
Skunker: What's he doing?
Alex Larson: Cleaning his teeth.
Skunker: How'd they get dirty?
Jack Conroy: Is there any good reason why we can't just bury him here? I don't think he'll know the difference.
Alex Larson: I gave him my word.
[They have just finished burying Dutch]
Alex Larson: Let's move out.
Jack Conroy: Aren't you going to say anything?
Alex Larson: [pause] You know what?
Jack Conroy: What?
Alex Larson: I never really liked the bastard.
Alex Larson: Bellinda! Feed the dogs.
Jack Conroy: Man you're romantic, aren't you?
Jack Conroy: Come on Alex, kiss her! I won't look.