Amanda Eliasch — Celebrity

Amanda Eliasch is an English photographer, artist, filmmaker and socialite... (wikipedia)

Everything is for sale in Hollywood; the fairy tale, the costume, the pumpkin, the footman and the mice.
There is superficiality to Hollywood, and yes, it is charming. Of course there is sunshine, but there is also a dark side. It's a difficult place if you don't know people, and if you can't drive, you will find it lonely. You have to create your own bubble.
All my family were brilliant cooks when I was growing up, but I ended up just cleaning up, so I've always lacked confidence in the kitchen.
Tinseltown is eerily silent when The Oscars, The Emmys and The Grammys, The Sag Awards, and The Golden Globes aren't in full swing.
I don't think I've ever come to terms with not having had a father around, and that's why I made so many mistakes with men.