When I was 13, I began relaxing my hair, and that meant when I turned 18 it began to crack and fall off, and when I began anchoring, I had short, stubbly pieces of hair. And trying to report in San Francisco with fog meant my hair swelled.
I think I'd like to stay anchoring because, number one, I'm learning a lot, and I love it when I'm learning. And number two, I also have the luxury of a stable life.
In Los Angeles, I had the good fortune of anchoring the news right before Johnny Carson came on, so to see him, the Hollywood stars watched me first.
I can say that even in the midst of my most cynical comic stripping: Opus shone through with a bit of heart, anchoring the ugly proceedings with a comforting pull of emotion.
So this anchoring in some way, in some important way in the past without repeating the past, but on the basis of the past building something new: that is what is important.
When I'm anchoring, I miss chasing stories in the field.
I was the first to win a major with a belly putter, and I've spent hours practicing that way, so I hope they don't ban anchoring.