Here in Barcelona, it's the architects who built the buildings that made the city iconic who are the objects of admiration - not a bunch of half-witted monarchs.
When you are overworked and exhausted, there is a sense of kind of delirium and that's why I think architects do all-nighters and they kind of do those deadlines. For four days I remember doing four nights in one row with no sleep. I mean nobody, unless you are crazy, would do that, but you are totally focused on the project.
I'm strong-willed. Architects are strong-willed. You get the best results with a strong client and a strong architect working together.
The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events.
Architects of grandeur are often the master builders of disillusionment.
If architects weren't arrogant, they wouldn't be architects. I don't know a modest good architect.
Half of architecture students are women, and you see respected, established female architects all the time.
Companies and their brands need to reach out and speak directly to consumers, to honor their values, and to form meaningful relationships with them. They must become architects of community, consistently demonstrating the values that their customer community expects in exchange for their loyalty and purchases.
Since Stonehenge, architects have always been at the cutting edge of technology. And you can't separate technology from the humanistic and spiritual content of a building.
Building a baseball team is like building a house. You look for the best architects, the best builders - and then you let them do their jobs.