In an artwork you're always looking for artistic decisions, so an ashtray is perfect. An ashtray has got life and death.
Listening to a news broadcast is like smoking a cigarette and crushing the butt in the ashtray.
I even smoke in bed. Imagine smoking a cigar in bed, reading a book. Next to your bed, there's a cigar table with a special cigar ashtray, and your wife is reading a book on how to save the environment.
I think an ashtray is the most fantastically real thing.
I smoke wherever there's an ashtray.
I have a soft spot for Joe Biden. I like him. But he's dumb as an ashtray.
After all these years, I definitely associate having a pen in my hand with having an ashtray just out of eye line.
It was a different planet in 1967, the Broadway theatre. It had a little ashtray clamped to the back of every seat and the author got 10% of the gross.