Burn Gorman — English Actor born on September 01, 1974,

Burn Hugh Gorman is an American-born English actor and musician. He is best known for his roles as Dr. Owen Harper in the BBC series Torchwood , Karl Tanner in the HBO series Game of Thrones , Phillip Stryver in The Dark Knight Rises , Dr. Hermann Gottlieb in Pacific Rim and Major Edmund Hewlett in the AMC series Turn: Washington's Spies . Gorman's 2015 roles include the films Crimson Peak and In a Valley of Violence... (wikipedia)

I was brought up on Dickens. I remember reading 'Bleak House' but, coming back to it, I didn't remember much about it apart from a few characters.
I think there comes a time in every persons life where they just need to go to the darkest, most dismal place.
The cliches are all true! My son Max has just turned two, and he's literally turned into this driven young man overnight! The terrible twos are not a myth, but he's such a laugh to be around.
I always look up to people like Michael Gambon and Tommy Lee Jones, and I hope that as I mature I will become as craggy as them.
I love going on BBC6 and BBC7 and listening to documentaries.