A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
I love and admire the American culture and the American dream. I learnt so many things about the American shoe industry and marketing strategies. I caught the secrets of American casual wear, that is elegant and wearable, retro and modern, and mixed it with an Italian touch, luxurious and handmade.
To the casual observer, the Dropbox demo video looked like a normal product demonstration, but we put in about a dozen Easter eggs that were tailored for the Digg audience. References to Tay Zonday and 'Chocolate Rain' and allusions to 'Office Space' and 'XKCD.' It was a tongue-in-cheek nod to that crowd, and it kicked off a chain reaction.
While I am aware of no counsel on whether kissing should be reserved only for post-mission dating or courtship, I am aware of plenty of counsel concerning honesty in our actions and treating others with respect and kindness. Casual attitudes about expressions of affection such as kissing can cause much grief and heartache.
We are more casual about qualifying the people we allow to act as advocates in the courtroom than we are about licensing electricians.
I love the culture of grilling. It creates an atmosphere that is festive but casual.
Part of wearing a tee is saying, 'I'm comfortable and casual.'
I don't have a good work ethic. I have a real casual relationship with hours.
It used to be presumed that if you weren't at your desk working, you weren't working, But we said, 'Why can't we make a workplace where casual meetings are as important as working at your desk?' Sometimes that's where your better creative work happens.
America gives every appearance of being a nation besotted with trashiness - divorce, illegitimacy, casual Fridays.