Charles Sumner — American Politician born on January 06, 1811, died on March 11, 1874

Charles Sumner was an American politician and senator from Massachusetts. As an academic lawyer and a powerful orator, Sumner was the leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts and a leader of the Radical Republicans in the United States Senate during the American Civil War working to destroy the Confederacy, free all the slaves, and keep on good terms with Europe. During Reconstruction, he fought to minimize the power of the ex-Confederates and guarantee equal rights to the freedmen... (wikipedia)

From the beginning of our history the country has been afflicted with compromise. It is by compromise that human rights have been abandoned.
The age of chivalry has gone; the age of humanity has come.
No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind.
The true grandeur of humanity is in moral elevation, sustained, enlightened and decorated by the intellect of man.
I have never known a man who was sensual in his youth, who was high-minded when old.