Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate the love of God and family and to create memories that will last forever. Jesus is God's perfect, indescribable gift. The amazing thing is that not only are we able to receive this gift, but we are able to share it with others on Christmas and every other day of the year.
Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles.
The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness. It illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things.
The truth is the Super Bowl long ago became more than just a football game. It's part of our culture like turkey at Thanksgiving and lights at Christmas, and like those holidays beyond their meaning, a factor in our economy.
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.
November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.
Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.
It's surprising to me how many of my friends send Christmas cards, or holiday cards, including my atheist and secular friends.
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.