Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.
I feel there's a power in theatre, but it's an indirect power. It's like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can't afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them, remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.
He was a horse of goodly countenance, rather expressive of vigilance than fire; though an unnatural appearance of fierceness was thrown into it by the loss of his ears, which had been cropped pretty close to his head.
The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it.
Smiling always with a never fading serenity of countenance, and flourishing in an immortal youth.
Our communications reflect in our countenance. Therefore, we must be careful not only what we communicate, but also how we do so. Souls can be strengthened or shattered by the message and the manner in which we communicate.
This man, although he appeared so humble and embarrassed in his air and manners, and passed so unheeded, had inspired me with such a feeling of horror by the unearthly paleness of his countenance, from which I could not avert my eyes, that I was unable longer to endure it.
The countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the eyes mark its intentions.
A gift, with a kind countenance, is a double present.
It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens down the temper; so cry away.