The sax solo as we know it today would not exist without Gerry Rafferty. His 1978 soft-rock classic 'Baker Street' has to be the 'Ulysses' of rock & roll saxophone, giving the entire chorus over to Raphael Ravenscroft's sax solo, creating one of the Seventies' most enduringly creepy sounds.
Sometimes, to keep things exciting, I decorate my house as if I owned a child. I'll toss a tiny pair of shoes in the hallway or lean small wooden crutches in what I refer to as 'the baby's room,' which is actually a tiny space where I make things. I continue to call it the baby's room because it confuses people and it's creepy.
The perfect antidote to dark, cold and creepy is light, warm and cozy.
I am not a princess, I don't want to be referred to as a princess - I find that super creepy.
Creepy people do the things that decent people want to do, but have decided are not a great idea.
Everything in Venice is just a little bit creepy, as much as it's beautiful.
Women always try to see the one good part of The Weird Guy because the dating landscape is so bleak. Women will say, 'He's very odd, but he likes to cook. He's creepy, but he makes good pancakes!'
You kind of invite a little spooky, creepy vibe into your whole experience of making a movie.
I don't have a creepy uncle, but I certainly have many, many uncles. My mom has twelve brothers and sisters, and my dad has two sisters and three brothers. Their maturity level is still hovering around fifteen when they all get together, but they're not necessarily creepy.
You've gotta wonder what kind of vibe you're putting out there if you're having really creepy people come talk to you.