David Archuleta — American Musician born on December 28, 1990,

HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "work" is not recognized.. (wikipedia)

It's so important for girls to respect themselves and not put themselves down and say, 'Oh, my life is horrible,' and 'I'm not pretty enough.' How do you know? There's this energy people give off that people can be drawn to.
Relationships are about helping motivate each other to be all that you can be.
It's cool when people notice that you make an effort to live certain values.
I love Sara Bareilles. She's just so clever. I wish I were her. She's so awesome.
I've never had a celebrity crush! I don't believe in those, really. I feel like you have to get to know the person before you start to feel anything like that. People always think they know celebrities, but how can you when you've never met them?