When I am writing best, I really am lost in my world. I lose track of the outside world. I have a difficult time balancing between my real world and the artificial world.
I have a really difficult time watching myself on film. I literally cower in my seat and cover my face.
Detroit is a city that really stands out. It's been through a very difficult time. There's been a lot of pain here, and the city, physically, has suffered. You can see it in certain neighborhoods, and there's buildings downtown that have been abandoned.
Some people have a difficult time facing truth and reality. They prefer to live in a make-believe world, pretending that certain things aren't happening.
I have a very difficult time getting the Napster world.
There's the tradition of the 19th-century ballets, and the 20th century has had a difficult time with that tradition. And it's had a difficult time with many components of the Romantic imagination because of modernism.
At a family's most difficult time, I want to make sure at a minimum that they have the very basic of comforts: the ability to grieve their loss privately and the knowledge that their country is grateful for their loved one's sacrifice and service.
In high school, I had a really difficult time just loving myself. It's weird; I feel like in the world we live in today, you're not supposed to be like, 'I'm beautiful,' like that's a conceited thing to say.
The war years were the most difficult time of my life. There was real famine in Moscow. The water froze inside the houses. There was no heat.
People say I've had a difficult time in life. I think I've had an exciting time in life.