Dorothy Day — American Activist born on November 08, 1897, died on November 29, 1980

Dorothy Day, Obl.S.B., was an American journalist, social activist, and Catholic convert... (wikipedia)

We have all known the long loneliness, and we have found that the answer is community.
As for ourselves, yes, we must be meek, bear injustice, malice, rash judgment. We must turn the other cheek, give up our cloak, go a second mile.
Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul.
Certainly we disagree with the Communist Party, as we disagree with other political parties who are trying to maintain the American way of life.
It is easier to have faith that God will support each House of Hospitality and Farming Commune and supply our needs in the way of food and money to pay bills, than it is to keep a strong, hearty, living faith in each individual around us - to see Christ in him.