Two teens become step brothers. One is an awkward geek and the other is a popular musician.

[repeated line]
Josh Nichols: Headaches! You give me headaches!
[repeated line]
Drake Parker, Josh Nichols: Megan!
Mr. Nichols: Sure Josh knows basketball, I taught him myself.
Mr. Nichols: [shows off with basketball]
Mr. Nichols: [throws ball at Drake] Think fast!
[ball misses and hits a lamp]
Drake Parker: Lamps don't think that fast.
Josh Nichols: [Josh is trying to study while Drake is playing a loud video game] Drake, the volume!
Drake Parker: Oh, right.
[Drake gets the remote and turns it louder]
[repeated line]
Josh Nichols: Oh, jeez...
Josh Nichols: Mom and Dad are gonna kill us!
Drake Parker: No they won't... they are gonna kill you.
Drake Parker: Do I get to wear that purdy apron?
Megan Parker: Why is Josh screaming? Have the eggs hatched?
[repeated line]
Josh Nichols: And now I'm alone...