Information theory began as a bridge from mathematics to electrical engineering and from there to computing.
We're made up of energy, so who's to say you can't transmit through electrical means? If you could transmit yourself wirelessly, then it's Armageddon pretty much.
Electrical science has revealed to us the true nature of light, has provided us with innumerable appliances and instruments of precision, and has thereby vastly added to the exactness of our knowledge.
Neuroscientists talk a lot about brain circuits. In fact, the word 'circuit' is probably misleading. We do not know where most circuits begin and end. And unlike an electrical circuit, brain connections are heavily reciprocal and recursive, so that a direction of information flow can be inferred but sometimes not proven.
The fuel cell is just a fundamentally inferior way of delivering electrical energy to an electric motor than batteries.
I hope climate science becomes the big thing. And then what I want is electrical engineers to solve the world's energy problems, energy distribution problems. I want mechanical engineers to make better transportation systems. I want chemical engineers to develop better solar panels, and so on.
In a battery, I strive to maximize electrical potential. When mentoring, I strive to maximize human potential.
Pain reaches the heart with electrical speed, but truth moves to the heart as slowly as a glacier.
We're electrical items and when we die the electricity goes somewhere else. When we die our energy goes into the galaxy.
It was close to like a 67- or 70-day shoot for 'Tron' on stage, in the suit. You can't even sit down during the day because of all the cables that divide the foam rubber and all the electrical circuits. We had these stools that were tall with a bicycle seat on them and you're just looking at a blue screen all day.