This is the great object held out by this association; and the means of attaining it is illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason which will dispell the clouds of superstition and of prejudice.
A lot of writers fall in love with their sentences or their construction of sentences, and sometimes that's great, but not everybody is Gabriel Garcia Marquez or James Joyce. A lot of people like to pretend that they are, and they wind up not giving people a good read or enlightening them.
Succeeding is not really a life experience that does that much good. Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience.
Another thing I learned is that novels, even those from apparently distant times and places, remain current and enlightening, and also comforting.
Not enough books focus on how a culture responds to radically new ideas or discovery. Especially in the biography genre, they tend to focus on all the sordid details in the life of the person who made the discovery. I find this path to be voyeuristic but not enlightening.
To sing a simple round is truly an enlightening experience.
Know what you're trying to do before you do it. Turning knobs at random isn't enlightening any more than throwing paint at a wall blindfolded will let you paint a nice picture.
You learn stuff from every character you play about the human condition that can be quite enlightening.
A good actor is somebody who can be truthful and fascinating and interesting and enlightening.
I study more of truth and enlightening. I had to go the next level to talk about life.