Evangelos Venizelos — Greek Politician born on January 01, 1957,

Evangelos Venizelos is a Greek politician who was Deputy Prime Minister of Greece and Minister for Foreign Affairs from 25 June 2013 to 27 January 2015. Previously, he was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of Greece from 17 June 2011 to 21 March 2012. He is a member of the Hellenic Parliament for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) for the first electoral district of Thessaloniki... (wikipedia)

Without Greece, it is not possible to preserve the integrity of the European phenomenon.
The country needs someone with experience and determination to make tough decisions. All the money aside, it is important that Greece restore its reputation.
We only have a Plan A. The acceptance and full implementation of the existing plan, the so-called Plan A, is the best solution for Greece, for the euro zone and also for creditors and holders.
Greece is a medium-sized country in Europe. Our debt accounts for only 2.5 percent of the total of all members of the euro zone.
Everyone should respect the sovereignty of the EU countries.