Anytime you get men in glitter, it's a flamboyant occasion!
When time permits, I try to see interesting people in the cities I visit. In Seattle, I met Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, who is shy in personality but flamboyant in his philanthropy.
My uncle, who was a little more flamboyant, always said the guy who dressed the best was Fred Astaire.
James Brown is the perfect example of flashy but classy. Classy doesn't have to mean boring. His gear was flamboyant but without being so over the top. The cape was probably the biggest part of his persona. He looked like Superman.
The Prime Minister has an absolute genius for putting flamboyant labels on empty luggage.
Art school had taught me it was far better to be a flamboyant failure than any kind of benign success.
I don't ever want to seem like I'm trying to command attention through the way I dress - but I have certainly been known to wear everything from a flamboyant suit to something very mellow and classic. I aim to just look and feel confident.
When I was 15 years old, I read an article about Ivan Boesky, the well-known takeover trader - turned out years later it was all on inside information! But before that came to light, he was very successful, very flamboyant. And I thought, 'This is what I want to do.' So I'm 15 years old, I decide I'm going to Wall Street.
I would wear flamboyant clothes and long hair, and most singers at the time didn't.
I have straight married friends that other friends think are gay, and I have gay friends who don't throw that vibe at all. I know there's a full range out there, but I feel that gay men who aren't flamboyant are underrepresented on-screen.