I love funny people. I met and became friends with some of the funniest people ever. Gilda Radner, bless her soul; Martin Short; Dave Thomas; Eugene Levy.
It's funny: people who meet me say, 'I thought you'd be different.' But I'm still the same guy.
There's only one true superpower amongst human beings, and that is being funny. People treat you differently if you can make them laugh.
It's funny. People often compare me to other humor essayists. They're usually quite nice comparisons; I will accept those gladly. But I am always sort of appalled at the idea of being lumped with other, more chick-y female writers. And the truth is probably that neither comparison is accurate.
That's my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.
You put funny people in funny costumes and paint them green and we could talk about anything we wanted to, because that was the only thing that fascinated Gene about this particular genre.
'Funny People' is my favorite performance of myself to date. Even though it's a comedy and there are serious moments, I really felt like Leo felt like a real person. It didn't feel like I was playing myself. Whether it's a comedy or drama, I just try to make it as realistic as possible.
I've always surrounded myself with funny people.
I know what Germans are. They are a funny people. They are always choosing someone to lead them in a direction which they do not want to go.
I was fooling everyone by surrounding myself with funny people. But then I put myself out there - writing my own sketches, going on stage with nobody surrounding me - and for some reason people were still laughing.