A pen is to me as a beak is to a hen.
You can't set a hen in one morning and have chicken salad for lunch.
The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen.
For the Department of Energy to conduct this investigation is like the fox watching the hen house.
Be bold and boast, just like the cock beside the hen.
It may be the cock that crows, but it is the hen that lays the eggs.
A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg.
Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid.
It is not unprofessional to give free legal advice, but advertising that the first visit will be free is a bit like a fox telling chickens he will not bite them until they cross the threshold of the hen house.
The argument about zoning and the presidency of Nigeria is like the philosophical argument of the egg or the hen. Who is older through the evolutionary process, who came first?