I've never gotten hired for drama because I'm a good improviser. I don't think people who write drama scripts want you playing with them as much.
My brother was an improviser. He's now a lobbyist, but he used to perform improv in the city when he was in high school, and one of the funniest guys I know to this day.
I'm more of a writer than an actor, and I used to say that I'm mostly an improviser, though I haven't improvised in awhile.
I think for anyone - male or female - in improv, the biggest thing to get over is the fear. I think every improviser has that.
I've always been an improviser. I was one before I knew even what the word was... And acting, that I've been doing since I was 5.
The lifelong goal of an improviser is to listen to what the other person is saying, taking it in, and responding.
The day of the great jazz improviser who doesn't know how to read music is over.
As an improviser I'm now pretty comfortable with trios, so I'm thinking of working up to quartets.
I think not every improviser is a good stage actor. Certainly not every stage actor is a good improviser.
Steve Carell is the most spectacular ad-lib improviser ever. And just doing a scene with him, it's just one incredible topping himself on every take.