Jorge Amado — Brazilian Writer born on August 10, 1912, died on August 06, 2001

Jorge Leal Amado de Faria was a Brazilian writer of the modernist school. He was the best known of modern Brazilian writers, his work having been translated into some 49 languages and popularized in film, notably Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands in 1978. His work reflects the image of a mestiço Brazil and is marked by religious syncretism. He depicted a cheerful and optimistic country that was beset, at the same time, with deep social and economic differences... (wikipedia)

I'm under no illusions about the importance of my work. But if it has any worth, it is that it truly reflects the Brazilian people.
Many things I might not write today because I no longer believe them, but I wouldn't change them, since I believed them at the time.
I am like my characters - sometimes even the female ones.
The best translations are always the ones in the language the author can't read.
Night was running ahead of itself.