So I think one can say on empirical grounds - not because of some philosophical principle - that you can't have democracy unless you have a market economy.
It has been true in Western societies and it seems to be true elsewhere that you do not find democratic systems apart from capitalism, or apart from a market economy, if you prefer that term.
The free market economy is supposed to be the only path leading to the happiness of humanity by promoting wealth and prosperity, power and influence of nations.
Communism brought out the worst in human nature and crippled people's ability or ambition to participate in a market economy.
What we want is to establish the rules of a market economy - not to plan its outcome.
So in Asia I want to make - I want to succeed to make a model of what success, practicing democracy, and market economy. Then that will give a good influence over Asian countries.
We know that in our free market economy some will prosper more than others. What we don't accept is the idea that some folks won't even get a chance.
The market economy is very good at wealth creation but not perfect at all about wealth distribution.
In a market economy, however, the individual has some possibility of escaping from the power of the state.
It's a market economy. Apparently the demand for great coaches exceeds the supply, so of course the price of good coaches is going to be high.