Mercy Otis Warren — American Playwright born on September 14, 1728, died on October 19, 1814

Mercy Otis Warren was a political writer and propagandist of the American Revolution. In the eighteenth century, topics such as politics and war were thought to be the province of men. Few men and fewer women had the education or training to write about these subjects. Warren was an exception. During the years before the American Revolution, Warren published poems and plays that attacked royal authority in Massachusetts and urged colonists to resist British infringements on colonial rights and liberties... (wikipedia)

The love of domination and an uncontrolled lust of arbitrary power have prevailed among all nations and perhaps in proportion to the degrees of civilization.
It may be a mistake, that man, in a state of nature, is more disposed to cruelty than courtesy.
Democratic principles are the result of equality of condition.
The bulk of mankind have indeed, in all countries in their turn, been made the prey of ambition.
The progress of the American Revolution has been so rapid and such the alteration of manners, the blending of characters, and the new train of ideas that almost universally prevail, that the principles which animated to the noblest exertions have been nearly annihilated.