Mircea Monroe — American Actress born on November 28, 1982,

Mircea Monroe is an American actress and model... (wikipedia)

I auditioned for 'Jake in Progress,' and I was nervous because I had a big crush on John Stamos. I was totally thrown off and couldn't remember my lines.
I had my first apartment when I was 16. I got good grades, so my friends would be able to come over to 'study.' We'd party, and they'd cheat off me. Everybody won!
I grew up near the University of Michigan, so we'd sneak into college parties. That's where my acting started - lying about the professors I supposedly had and what I was studying.
Barack Obama is crazy sexy.
I was working at a restaurant in L.A. when a producer came in. He said I should audition for this movie 'Cellular.' I did, and I got the part. It actually makes me sick to tell that story because it's obnoxious.