Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideals. But you are not part of that world.
When I was knowingly misled but only learned that much later, that's really when I started to become disillusioned at the White House.
At school I was easily misled, but that's childhood. I remember I used to shoplift tins of Airfix paint and football badges.
There's a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled.
There's a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them.
Since the end of the nineteenth century, if not earlier, presidents have misled the public about their motives and their intentions in going to war.
Do not be misled by the fact that you are at liberty and relatively free; that for the moment you are not under lock and key: you have simply been granted a reprieve.
Come to find out, the Russians were never afraid of the Americans. They weren't raised with the terror that we were by our government. I was struck by how our government misled us for so many years.
I'm saddened to see that some have been misled into believing that Mr. Disney was something other than a kind, caring man.
Any seeming deception in a statement is costly, not only in the expense of the advertising but in the detrimental effect produced upon the customer, who believes she has been misled.