I'm living the exact life I planned on living when I was five. My life has taken some turns and changes that I didn't anticipate, and it has brought me different things. I thought material things would bring me happiness, which they didn't. But through this, I have learned what things are important and what aren't.
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
I allow a lot of room for improvisation and funny stuff. I always feel planned.
In my opinion, the battles over birth control and Planned Parenthood are primarily neither political nor religious. This is an issue of equality for women. This is an issue of women's rights: Planned Parenthood is the most important private provider of reproductive health care for women in the United States.
My brother and sister were much older. They were planned. I was not planned for. I was called the mistake, amongst other things.
Drug use, within entire teams continues unabated. It is planned and deliberate cheating, with complex methods, sophisticated substances and techniques, and the active complicity of doctors, scientists, team officials and riders. There is nothing accidental about it.
My photographs are not planned or composed in advance, and I do not anticipate that the onlooker will share my viewpoint. However, I feel that if my photograph leaves an image on his mind, something has been accomplished.
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
My day starts with customers and ends with customers. So anything that's going on is second to activities that involve customers or partners. So if there is a meeting planned for the day that is an internal meeting, unless it's about making sure we can meet the payroll, the thing that comes first is calling on a customer or calling on a partner.
The chemistry of love is something which is extremely extremely unbelievable. This is something we have planned for more than two years, so I hope that we are going to start in the beginning of next year.