I agree that it is not just the extremists who harbor bad thoughts or engage in bad acts, but they are usually the source of the polarization and try to keep education and communication of the main stream from moving forward.
There's peacetime and there's wartime, and you don't need polarization on wartime issues. You need polarization on all other issues.
As the 2012 elections approach the finish line, the chatter among columnists and political reporters is about upcoming books that take readers inside the campaigns, cutting-edge efforts to micro-target voters on Internet social applications, the enormous money flowing through super-PACs, and extreme political polarization.
In addition to the decline in competition, American politics today is characterized by a growing ideological polarization between the two major political parties.
There is too much at stake for us to surrender to the politics of polarization.
The rotation of the polarization plane is extraordinarily small in all gases, thus also in sodium vapour.
The 2012 presidential campaign's turn away from the classic, straight-up, American election - where the candidate who gets the most votes nationwide wins - is another sad reminder of the extreme political polarization distorting today's politics. No one talks about a 50-state strategy for winning the presidency these days.
At the start of his second term, one wonders less about Obama's fitness than his willingness: Why doesn't he do more to build and maintain the relationships required to govern in era of polarization?
Press critics worry that the rise of media polarization threatens the foundation of credible, common information that American politics needs to thrive.
I see people who talk about America, and then undermine it by not paying attention to its soul, to its poetry. I see polarization, reductionism and superficiality.