It's all I have left in my life, caffeine and a poodle.
When I was younger, I had a perm, and it was really big. My mom was a hairdresser, so even my dad had a perm! I looked like a poodle, but it was cool at the time.
When you walk through a bad neighborhood, you don't want a poodle by your side. You want a Rottweiler.
Love is the emotion that a woman feels always for a poodle dog and sometimes for a man.
I liked wearing the '50s wardrobe. It was hard in the beginning. The first shows I wore regular young girl dresses. Then a little later I got to wear the poodle skirts and such.
I have a toy poodle, Shadow. She's a little whippersnapper! And I love little monkeys.
When you come into our house, you get a flavor for our life, our travels, our kids, our 18-year-old poodle who is like, blind, deaf and incontinent but so happy.
Jessica Lange is a sweetheart, the nicest lady in the world. She has a Poodle named Jack.
I wrote a techno song about the four things I love in Germany to make myself happy, which are my grandfather, my two poodle pets, bread, and a strange but delicious Turkish dish called Doener Kebab.