Roy Yamaguchi — Japanese Chef

Roy Yamaguchi is a Japanese-American celebrity chef, restaurateur and founder of a collection of restaurants including 30 Roy’s Restaurants in the United States and Guam, the Tavern by Roy Yamaguchi and Eating House 1849. He is one of the founding members of the Hawaii Regional Cuisine movement... (wikipedia)

You don't go to school to become the best chef in the world right after you graduate. School is always a starting point so what people forget is that you go to school to build a foundation, and you want to build a foundation that's not going to crumble.
I like working with fish, so naturally I like seafood.
The best way to make a steak is grilled over an open flame or pan sauteed in a cast iron skillet.
I love showing my personality in my cooking.
See, I'm a believer that people are born with a sense of cooking. It's something within them that really gives them the ability to create and to understand flavors.