Rudy Vallee — American Musician born on July 28, 1901, died on July 03, 1986

HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "alma mater" is not recognizedHIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Residence" is not recognized.. (wikipedia)

I always felt that I would become somebody outstanding, whether it was in singing, instrumental playing, orchestra conducting, or anything involving feeling.
The popular songs that were written in the 1920s and '30s, '40s and early '50s were written by veterans - mostly men who'd had experience in life. How can you write a lyric if you haven't really lived life?
Composers now just don't have the depth of inspiration for melody. Most of the lyrics of the pop songs you hear today are repetitious. They're almost nursery rhymes, as if written by children - which they are.
It's too bad that there aren't as many light comedies around in the movies as there were when I was making pictures like 'The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer.' The boys are just not writing them. Many writers are more serious now than they used to be, and that's showing up in all phases of entertainment.
The kids of today have taken over the music business - most of them very young. Simply because they write and jot down a few notes, they have the idea that they can write songs.