If the Liberals' law is passed, will sex education in the schools, including elementary grades, include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.
Well, I think that abstinence has its place as part of a comprehensive health and sex education curriculum. It would be wrong to exclude abstinence from a health curriculum, because there are some potentially very serious ramifications for early sexual activity.
Sex education is legitimate in that girls cannot be taught soon enough how children don't come into the world.
The best sex education for kids is when Daddy pats Mommy on the fanny when he comes home from work.
In my day we didn't have sex education, we just picked up what we could off the television.
Let's make sure that we are working for age-appropriate sex education in our school system.
We need sex education in schools, but we need it at home first. We need parents to learn the names of the teachers who are teaching their children. We need families to question day-care centers, to question other children and their own as to what goes on.
Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions.
Sex education has to do with what's in people's head.
Before the child ever gets to school it will have received crucial, almost irrevocable sex education and this will have been taught by the parents, who are not aware of what they are doing.