I'd say, for me, it's cooking that gives me a space beyond music. I love food. And somehow, music and food go together so well. Cooking is very therapeutic. That preparation, the fragrance of spices, the wafting aromas - it just sweeps aside my depression, tiredness and name what you may.
I believe in the magic of preparation. You can make just about any foods taste wonderful by adding herbs and spices. Experiment with garlic, cilantro, basil and other fresh herbs on vegetables to make them taste great.
Even just a few spices or ethnic condiments that you can keep in your pantry can turn your mundane dishes into a culinary masterpiece.
Leather accents on pieces make it fun and spices up an outfit.
Genuine polemics approach a book as lovingly as a cannibal spices a baby.
Instead of doing cinnamon, nutmeg, and all those baking spices I'll have one spice that's for sweets, and that's pumpkin pie spice.
The secret of happiness is variety, but the secret of variety, like the secret of all spices, is knowing when to use it.
The range of ingredients available to home cooks has expanded dramatically. People are incorporating herbs and spices like lemongrass, smoked Mexican chile, sumac, and za'atar mix.
I have a great love for cuisine, so I'm always interested in local food, and there are so many interesting dishes, spices and ingredients in India.
Dissolving differences has always been an important motive for my writing, right from 'The Mistress of Spices.'