If the Olympic Games ever served a true altruistic purpose, they have long since outlived it. Yeah, the pursuit of athletic excellence, sportsmanship and international goodwill is plenty noble. But the modern Olympics are at best a vehicle for agitprop; at worst, a scandal magnet.
One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it.
Sometimes I think sportsmanship is a little bit forgotten in place of the individual attention.
I would advise all youths aspiring to athletic fame or a professional career to practice clean living, fair play and good sportsmanship.
Aside from being bad sportsmanship - Romney basically said Obama won by cheating - he was displaying the same obtuseness about the wants and needs of ordinary people that did more to torpedo his campaign than any goodies Obama might have had to dole out.
Tactics, fitness, stroke ability, adaptability, experience, and sportsmanship are all necessary for winning.
There is no such thing as sportsmanship.
A lot of young players don't really know much about the history of the game and a lot of them are missing out on what the game is all about, especially the whole concept of sportsmanship and teamwork.
It's good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling.
Sportsmanship and easygoing methods are all right, but it is the prospect of a hot fight that brings out the crowds.