Even Helen Keller, who was born blind and deaf, could see God. No doubt, in her silent darkness, every fragrant flower, every ray of the warm sun, every taste that touched her tongue told her that there was a God who created all things. Jodie Foster shouldn't therefore be surprised that people are surprised that she's an atheist.
I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised.
Behind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law.
People who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned.
I am conscious of trying to stretch the boundaries of non-fiction writing. It's always surprised me how little attention many non-fiction writers pay to the formal aspects of their work.
I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow was the Final Dawn, the last sunrise before the Earth and Sun are reshaped into computing elements.
I'm surprised sometimes at how some of my actions are misinterpreted.
I think golf is literally an addiction. I'm surprised there's not Golf Anonymous.
While Mayor Daley surprised me today with his decision to not run for reelection, I have never been surprised by his leadership, dedication and tireless work on behalf of the city and the people of Chicago.
People are always surprised when I say that I'm an atheist.