The art world is a very prissy little thing over in the corner, while the major cultural forces are being determined by techno science.
I'm not so rock and roll. I'm more techno.
I used to go to rave parties, too, but I was never savvy with techno.
I am associated with techno epics.
When I hear music that parents hate, or older musicians hate, I know that's the new music. When I hear older people saying, 'I hate Rap or Techno' I rush to it.
I'm more into the Spawn toys. They're really cool. They're coming out with a Techno Spawn series and another series, The Dark Ages, which are really cool.
Well, I love what you would call boys' music, you know, the prodigy, banging techno, music that girls generally don't like.
I like everything from hard-style techno to rock n' roll.
I'm going to take over on the Techno Comics so I'm going to be dealing in the children's merchandising type department. But that's just setting it up and having somebody run it.
I'm a big, big, big techno dork.