This lavish small-screen adaptation of Homer's ancient epic--replete with Maltese and Turkish locations, state-of-the-art special effects, and many bronzed muscles gleaming with sweat--... See full summary »

Eurymachus: [Odysseus has started to kill the suitors who are locked in a room with him] Wait, wait! What is our crime? We treated your wife as a queen. We lived off you're land, that can be replaced. We did not kill anybody.
Odysseus: Your crime is that you tried to steal my world. The world I built with my hands, and my sweat...
Eurymachus: Now, anyone...
Odysseus: And my blood. The world that I shared with a woman who bore me my son, and no one will ever take that from me. Now you will die to a man in a river of blood.
Tiresias: It is the journey itself that makes up your life.
Odysseus: Is easy to be angry!
Poseidon: My goal is not to kill you. You must understand.
Odysseus: What? What?
Odysseus: What do you want me to understand?
Poseidon: That without the gods, man is nothing.
Athena: The gods cannot do for man what man must do for himself.
Odysseus: Do you see, you gods of sea and sky? I conquered Troy. Me Odysseus, a mortal man of flesh and blood and bone and mind! I do not need you now, I can do anything.
Poseidon: Odysseus, why do you defy me?
Odysseus: Who are you?
Poseidon: It is I Poseidon, god of the wine dark sea. You have forfeited for forgetting how I helped you.
Odysseus: Help me? For ten years you played with us as toys. For ten years you let blood spill to your shores.
Poseidon: But it was my serpent who silenced Laocoon or your horse was doomed, yet you refuse to give thanks. You forget, a man is nothing without the gods. You will suffer for this offense. For your arrogance, you will drift on my sea for an eternity, never again will you reach the shores of Ithaca.
Odysseus: You cannot stop me!
Poseidon: You will suffer.
Achilles: I killed Hector! I will bury Troy!
Aeolus: Ha ha ha! Are you surprised? Admit it! Ha ha! I can see you're surprised.
Odysseus: Who are you?
Aeolus: I am Aeolus, God of Wind. This is my island where soft breezes and raging tempests all begin.
Odysseus: Well, I'm honored, but why do you not allow me to drink?
Aeolus: Because I know you, Odysseus, Lord of Ithaca. Do not be afraid. Step through the water. I have something for you. Come along!
Odysseus: You know me?
Aeolus: Everyone knows of Odysseus, the great hero who built the Trojan Horse. But, few Greeks know that you're the only one who can't go home.
Odysseus: Poseidon thinks he can stop me.
Aeolus: Poseidon, Poseidon! Poseidon this, Poseidon that! Poseidon's a bully! He's my cousin, he's arrogant, he's selfish! He forgets that the sea is nothing without the wind, and who's the God of the Wind? Guess who's the God of the Wind... I am.
Cyclops: What is it?
Odysseus: It's wine, that's the drink of the gods. Here. Try.
Cyclops: I like it. Another. What is your name?
Odysseus: My name?
Polites: He is the lord of
[is silenced before he can reveal Odysseus's identity]
Odysseus: My name is Nobody. No body.
Cyclops: Alright Nobody, in the morning you will tell me more secrets after I eat.