Know thyself. A maxim as pernicious as it is ugly. Whoever studies himself arrest his own development. A caterpillar who seeks to know himself would never become a butterfly.
Only trust thyself, and another shall not betray thee.
Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.
Persuade thyself that imperfection and inconvenience are the natural lot of mortals, and there will be no room for discontent, neither for despair.
Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them.
Self-awareness is not self-centeredness, and spirituality is not narcissism. 'Know thyself' is not a narcissistic pursuit.
The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.
When about to commit a base deed, respect thyself, though there is no witness.
One of the perks of being a psychologist is access to tools that allow you to carry out the injunction to know thyself.
Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude, and the society of thyself.