Whenever you're looking at new ways to get in shape, first you have to decide what you want. Do you want a more muscular look, or do you want to slim down and appear more toned and ripped? I adapt my training and diet with each role I do, depending on the image I want to convey.
I'm just naturally quite toned. My dad was like a body builder, so I've got my dad's body. Not all of it, thank God.
I like that my body is in shape and toned, and isn't too muscular. I feel I still have a woman's physique.
I think bare legs in winter are idiotic. Unless your naked pins are toned, tanned and veinless, it's best to cover up. There is nothing more elegant in winter than dark tights worn with matching knee-length boots and a belted trench coat.
For the longest time, Indian women have been okay with being curvy. But I think the modern Indian woman needs to get toned. I don't endorse being thin. Anorexia and bulimia are a reality in India because everybody wants to be thin.
I always think, look at how people were before they were pregnant. If you were a toned, healthy, energetic person, most likely you will be like that again.
Female athletes are supposed to be toned down. You're always supposed to talk about the team and never stand out.
I want to get fitter. And yes, I'm learning hot yoga to get a bikini body. I don't believe one has to sport a size-zero figure to flaunt it. One just needs a fit, sexy and toned body.
I hate running. I know I'm curvier - I know I'm small, but I'm not ripped. But I make a choice to be that way. I realize my arms aren't as toned as Halle Berry's but I don't want them to be.
In musical theater you have to be very big and very animated, while film and television are more toned down.