Too much work, too much vacation, too much of any one thing is unsound.
My friends all regarded me as a man of unsound mind because I held the view that my wife was with me in spirit always. I have lived with her spirit guiding me every day and she is with me now as I write this letter, and helps me to do as I am now doing.
Besides, my usefulness here is destroyed because all of my friends think me a man of unsound mind.
The death tax is unfair, inefficient, economically unsound and, frankly, immoral.
Chinese brands will face many obstacles when marketing to Western consumers. Beyond the associations with poor quality and unsound environmental practices, they generally do not have the marketing capabilities or budgets to build powerful global brands.
It is unsound for an independent editor to be a financial contributor to any cause which would cause any type of special pleading.
A win by an unsound combination, however showy, fills me with artistic horror.
The main cause of my difficulties stemmed from the tragedy of my daughter's unsound birth and my inability to face my feelings.